Conference Call/Adobe Connect
Members Attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Dan Blewett (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Theresa Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum & Library)
Members Absent: Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli
Tasks Assigned
- Michelle Oh will take minutes.
- Gretchen Schneider will take minutes for the next meeting.
- The minutes from the April meeting were approved via email after the meeting.
- CARLI Update:
- New members who will be taking a three year term are David Bell, Eastern Illinois University; Kelli Getz, DePaul University; and Paolo P. Gujilde, National Louis University.
- Niamh, Deb, and Teri are cycling off the committee having completed their terms.
- Position is open in the Systems group at the CARLI office, and they are hoping to hire that position soon.
- Member Announcements:
- UIC library has hired two new social sciences librarians, starting in July and August, and currently recruiting for an Assessment Librarian.
- Loyola has posted 3 librarian jobs: Assessment, Metadata, and Civic Engagement Librarian. Hoping for a good pool, so spread the word!
- NEIU is finishing up searches for 3 librarians. Dean of Libraries position will be reposted in July.
- College of DuPage has a lot of space issues going on, looking to schedule regular semester classes in library classrooms.
- Pritzker will have a float in the Memorial Day Parade in Chicago, coordinating World War I re-enactors. It will also include a historic Red Cross ambulance. Their summer reading program starts soon. June 7 is the member preview for the member book sale through June 10 to coordinate with the Printers Row Books Sale.
- Annual Report Review
- If there are no changes, the Annual Report will be submitted to Jen and Elizabeth who will pass it on.
- Annual Project Review
- Another library participated in the consortial eBook project with commitments to purchase 16 titles and shared comments on how to promote this project. Elizabeth will update the annual project document to reflect these updates.
- There were some comments that some titles on the eBook title list were not unique. Jen will be looking into seeing how to make unique purchases for eBooks as accurate as possible, and this will be noted in the annual report.
- Deb would like to submit this by next week, so if anyone has any additional edits please do so by Thursday, May 24. The co-chairs will review the final document next week for final submission.
- Election of Chairs for Next Year
- Gretchen is open to co-chairing, if someone else is willing to co-chair. Kimberly may be willing to co-chair, but may have other commitments.
- If anyone else is interested, please think about this and share at the next meeting.
- Meeting Schedule for next year
- Putting together meeting schedule for next year is postponed until new chairs are available.
- Meeting adjourned at 9:31 am.
Next Meeting
The meetings will be a Conference Call meeting with Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect Meeting, URL to join:
(217) 332-6338, (312) 994-8410, (888) 983-3631
Conference ID: 65857927
Friday, June 8, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.