Conference Call/Adobe Connect
Members Attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Theresa Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon, Jen Masciadrelli
- CARLI Update:
- CARLI is promoting a webinar on the Reprints Desk product on Feb. 28.
- The Copyright Q&A event will be held on March 6 featuring guest speaker Sara Benson. The focus will be on digital materials.
- In addition, on March 6 working with the Louis consortium to provide a webinar aimed at faculty experiences on teaching with Open Educational Resources to be held during Open Education Week.
- On March 19, there will be an event on Ideas to Teach Information Literacy.
- On March 29, a Resource Sharing webinar will highlight use of Tableau.
- On April 6, CARLI members are encouraged to attend the University of St. Francis Open House.
- There are 2 ACRL roadshows that CARLI is helping to host in May: May 14th with support from Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan and May 31.
- The construction work on the CARLI office is almost complete.
- New I-share libraries are on target for production in mid-March and in the shared catalog in April.
- Member Announcements:
- Gretchen Schneider’s new title is Coordinator of Access Services.
- Oakton Community College is moving forward on the library restoration/construction projects.
- Ken Clarke has left the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. John Schwan is the Interim President & CEO.
- The Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy will be hosting the International Student Science Fair at the end of June.
- Loyola University Chicago is in the process of hiring an Associate Dean for Content Services.
- Northeastern Illinois University is hoping to fill multiple positions, including Dean of the Library and several librarian positions.
Tasks Assigned
- Teri Embrey will take minutes.
- The minutes from the previous meeting of January 25, 2018 were approved.
- Meeting adjourned at 11am.
- Commercial Products Committee:
- Get It Now is a product that allows unmediated ILL for journal articles, with the library paying a fee per article supplied. The Commercial Products Committee wishes to know if there is interest in this project at other CARLI institutions.
- Bradley University has been an early adopter of Get It Now.
- The experiences of other institutions was discussed.
- Annual Project:
- It was suggested that the committee do a use analysis of last year’s projects as the annual project report for this year. Several different projects on collaborative collection development are potential topics.
- Presentation at ALA will compare ACRL best practices to the current projects planning and implementation.
- Gretchen will post a Google document to facilitate analysis:
- Discussion of statistics and potential use ensued.
- One Time Purchases circulation statistics are available from I-SHARE. Non I-SHARE libraries will need to be asked for their circulation data for collaboratively purchased items.
- Discussion on determining uniqueness of items ensued.
- Statistical queries for the reporting should be developed now.
- By April 1, the committee will need a title list of one-time purchases with ISBNs.
- May 15th will be the statistical end date for reporting purposes.
- Fine-tuning of statistical requirements is an agenda item for the next meeting of the committee.
- For the open access project, the committee can report out on the survey results.
- The Education group can also provide a title list for usage analysis.
- Project Updates:
- Education Group: Only two institutions have committed to purchases so far this fiscal year. Outreach to education librarians was encouraged.
- Open Access eBooks: Project outline was shared as a Google document. Survey is open until the end of the month and responses have already been received. Based on responses received, the committee may need to supply a definition of an open access e-book. The committee decided to add the definition and send it out with the reminder notice to complete the survey.
- One-time Purchase: Potential increase due to the late listing of a participating library to last year’s list. An Ohio consortium received a GOBI list for their project; CARLI did something similar with the PDA project.
- E-book purchases: There is a list and libraries have already started to participate ( Thirty titles have been purchased so far. Ebook contract ends June 30.
Next Meeting
The meetings will be a Conference Call meeting with Adobe Connect
Adobe Connect Meeting, URL to join:
(217) 332-6338, (312) 994-8410, (888) 983-3631
Conference ID: 65857927
Tuesday, March 20, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Friday, April 27, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, May 22, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Friday, June 8, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.