Members attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Dan Blewett (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum and Library), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider, co-chair (Oakton Community College)
Members absent: Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Kimberly Shotick (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon, Jen Masciadrelli
Tasks Assigned
- Michelle Oh took minutes.
- Deb Blecic will send out a Doodle Poll to figure out the monthly meeting schedule and for an in-person meeting.
- Dan Blewett and Michelle Oh will review the Scholarly Communication web page before the September meeting.
- Elizabeth Clarage will contact ProQuest to see if they can provide a list of titles to possibly use for the One Time Purchases initiative.
- Jen Masciadrelli will create a folder in the committee’s Box space for 2016-2017 materials.
- Jen Masciadrelli will follow up with group members involved with the upcoming ILA presentation.
- Minutes from the June 2017 meeting were approved.
- CARLI Update:
- There is a state budget, but CARLI does not yet have any numbers from the university.
- The CARLI Board continues to work on strategic planning. There will be more shared about this planning at the Annual Meeting in November.
- Anne Craig is doing "listening" sessions for directors at various locations around the state through Sept 25. Messages about these have been sent to governing member directors.
- There is I-Share Acquisitions/Serials Training scheduled in August. Registration information can be found on the CARLI calendar.
- Ebooks: CARLI purchased three additional titles this week. These are member purchases via the CARLI ebook contract with ProQuest (formerly EBL).
- The move from the EBL platform to ProQuest eBook Central was completed in May. There were some issues but they seem to have been resolved.
- Elizabeth has completed institutional statistics for the use of the consortial ebooks. She is now working on the aggregate statistics for FY17.
- CARLI is now an institutional member of the Open Textbook Network (OTN). There is training in August for system leaders. The membership follows a train-the-trainer instruction model. There will be sessions for other CARLI members later in addition to having the OTN staff coming to Illinois next spring to provide training, too.
- The Last Copy Program is going well. This summer, there were approximately 270 items submitted in June and close to 600 items in July.
- Member announcements: what’s going on in your library?:
- At UIC there has been one resignation of the Health Science Bibliographer, and staff are figuring out what to do in the interim.
- Oakton Community College’s Des Plaines campus was closed for a week and a day due to flooding. The soccer field is still under water. There was not water in the buildings, so nothing was lost.
- Loyola University Library is currently doing a search for two Associate Deans, which may be wrapped up in the next month. The library building was closed this summer due to HVAC system maintenance, but staff may be able to move back in three days before classes. The library has 10-11 open positions, which they should be able to fill upon filling the Associate Dean positions.
- Northeastern Illinois University Library has very sad news to share that the Acting Dean of Libraries Dave Green passed away this week. Communications for NEIU library administration can go to Acting Associate Dean of Libraries Lisa Wallis. The larger university community is still going through a difficult layoff process due to state budgeting issues.
- Meeting schedule for AY18
- Deb proposed sending out a doodle poll to set up a meeting schedule for the year. CARLI can now offer an in-person meeting with a lunch. The location is up to the group. It does not have to be in Champaign. The only requirement is a free meeting space. UIC, Oakton, and NEIU are open to hosting an in-person meeting. An in-person meeting preference will be added to a doodle poll.
- Setting goals for the next year and developing a project
- The group reviewed last year’s 2017 Annual Project for new members.
- The project was on Collaborative Collection Development. Looking forward, the committee discussed additional collaborations with e-books as well as assessment of the FY17 collaborative projects.
- An idea was shared of putting out an additional call for those interested in participating in purchasing books for these initiatives.
- Open Access (OA) book checklist
- Gretchen has started working on a checklist for selecting open access ebooks. Most literature on selection criteria seem to revolve around open access periodicals and textbooks, so she will use materials on selection in those areas as a jumping off point for her criteria checklist.
- There was a question regarding the possibility of tie-ins with the newly established CARLI Open Textbook Network membership.
- Open access textbooks were suggested as a possible project topic for the year. CARLI has established a task force for open educational resources that includes those being trained with the consortium’s membership in the OTN, so it may be something we want to avoid. We could do something else with OA that doesn’t overlap with the OTN, like open access books in other packages like JSTOR.
- Jen talked to the CARLI Technical Services Committee about cataloging individual OA items. Some feedback indicated that these are cataloged by request only due to URL maintenance. They also talked about weeding e-resources and they thought about approaching the Collection Management group about doing another Joint Forum on this topic. The group is open to continued conversation about this topic.
- Other ideas for this year’s annual project
- Deb proposed brainstorming for the next couple months with the goal of having an idea before our in-person meeting.
- Would we be interested in following up via a survey about what our current member practices for Open Access monographs are? Questions like the following could be included: What are libraries already doing? Are you collecting them? Are you cataloging them or are they accessed through LibGuides or other methods?
- We could create a survey regarding ebook practices at member libraries. The survey could include these questions: What is your library’s weeding paramaters for ebook collections or titles? What happens with last copies of an ebooks in the system? Do research universities want to keep these ebooks? We could put together guidelines for this in general or in I-Share.
- The creation of a checklist for evaluating OA books could be a potential project. We can think of criteria to add for such a list (publisher, peer-reviewed, etc.). This could be used to set up easy guidelines to follow that can be shared with the consortium.
- The committee discussed creating a guide that provides links to collections such as LOC or Directory of Open Access Books to help make more OA collections discoverable. Oxfam Publications, for example, has lots of quality, free publications.
- The committee discussed continuing some collaborative collection development small groups including Literature, Ebooks, and One Time Purchases initiatives.
- The Literature group is considering making a list of titles that people can commit to purchase (like the Education Group did) because identifying titles may have made participation more challenging. Niamh may reach out to Literature group and will look to see if there are articles on existing Open Access Cataloging practices.
- Could we create a list of Ebook publishers that we can work with, along with clearer parameters for selection? Elizabeth will request. A challenge will be ebooks after June 30, 2018 - the end date of our current contract with Proquest. The RFP process can take upwards of 18 months. For this year, we will see if it is possible for ProQuest to generate a list of unique titles for the collaborative collection development groups that people could select from that we could compare against I-Share. The titles could be limited in subject scope. It could be a manageable list if it’s from the last four years or so, including 2017, and if it checks smaller publishers (Bloomsbury Academic; CABI; Diplomica; Edinburgh University Press; Guilford Publications, Inc.; Indiana University Press; Jessica Kingsley Publishers; John Benjamins Publishing Company; McFarland Publishers; McGraw-Hill International UK; Morgan & Claypool Publishers; Princeton University Press; Sage Publications; SAGE Publications, Inc.; University of California Press; University of North Carolina Press; Wiley; Zed Books, Ltd.). Titles from Wiley could be limited to the last 2 years. We can test the results with one of the publishers. A list could prove challenging if ProQuest uses only E-ISBN for ebooks. Elizabeth and Jen will need to see what data ProQuest has to find potential match points. This list could also be used to support the Literature Group too. Elizabeth will contact ProQuest to see what they can provide.
- A review of the One Time Purchases was suggested. An assessment could answer questions regarding the number of titles used and number of titles that are still unique in the system. If we tried this again we should review what criteria needs to be emphasized more, like waiting 6 months to purchase something to wait to see if it would be a unique item.
- For those without any current tasks assigned, can we think of something that might be interesting from a collections standpoint for the consortium?
- ILA Presentation
- Kimberly Shotick is the lead on this and Gretchen, Niamh, and Jen are on the group who will be presenting. Niamh has slides from the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference and they can be amended for ILA Conference. Final Slides from Great Lakes can be placed in Box. Jen will follow up with group members who are presenting at ILA.
- Review of Scholarly Communication web page
- The Committee is tasked to review this twice a year. Reviewing this consists to checking for broken links and checking for things we would want to add (for instance, the Open Textbook Network). Dan Blewett and Michelle Oh volunteered to review it this fall and will have this ready for our September meeting so it will be ready before Open Access Week in October.
- CARLI Annual Meeting
- Each committee may present a brief report, up to 8 minutes, on their project from last year at the Annual Meeting. A one page report is due October 16th, and we need to let Anne Craig know by Sept 8th if the committee will present at the annual meeting. The meeting will be held November 17, 2017, and CARLI can support funding an overnight stay for one presenter in Champaign. Let Deb or Gretchen know if you’re planning to attend. The presenter can be decided on later. Gretchen may be able to go.
- Other
- We will see if any of the new members of this committee can be pulled into any of the existing Collaborative Collection Development groups.
- If anyone has ideas in the meantime for the annual project, these can be emailed to the CMC email list.
- The Technical Services Committee asked for all Box Materials be collected into a 2016-2017 folder, Jen will do the same for our group.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will be determined by a poll of committee members.