Location: Conference Call / Adobe Connect / Box
Members attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum and Library), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick, co-chair (Illinois Institute of Technology).
Members absent: Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli
Tasks Assigned
- Teri Embrey took minutes.
- Annual Project:
- Committee members will continue to collaborate on the white paper. Assigned sections (as noted in the outline in the document on box) should be finished by April 21.
- The co-chairs will review and revise to create a consistent voice. They will move the document to MS Word to add charts and/or graphs.
- It is anticipated that the committee will have a draft for review at the May 4, 2017 meeting.
- Elizabeth and Jen will send last year’s annual report to Deb and Kimberly.
- The meeting was called to order at 9am on Thursday April 6, 2017.
- The March minutes have been approved. January minutes date was corrected.
- The committee decided to meet at 9 a.m. for its May meeting.
- The meeting concluded at 10:56 a.m.
- CARLI update:
- E-book project has had more than 20 institutions identify titles for purchase.
- The change from the EBL ebook platform to ProQuest Ebook Central date is still being determined but June remains the preferred change date.
- The electronic resources selection system for Fiscal Year 2018 will be opening later this month.
- Initial e-book survey results: 82 surveys from 68 institutions.
- No budget information is available at this time.
- CARLI is seeking volunteers to serve on CARLI committees.
- Member announcements:
- Russell Kracke will be starting as a new cataloger at Oakton Community College.
- IIT is currently conducting a search for an instruction librarian with future interviews for prospective candidates expected later this year.
- An assessment librarian has been hired at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
- Annual Project:
- The group reviewed and edited the committee’s annual project via Box.
- Collaborative Collection Updates:
- Nursing:
- Education:
- A couple additional libraries expressed interested in participating.
- Literature:
- Joint Forum with the Technical Services Committee:
- Registration closes on April 12.
- All presenters have registered.
- Niamh has been collecting names of committee members that are willing to be note-takers during the day. After the event, the lecturers’ slides and notes will be uploaded to the CARLI website.
- Niamh will be in touch via email regarding the joint forum
- Assessment: Updates were shared during the annual project discussion.
Next meeting
May 4, 2017 at 9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
We will do an Adobe Connect / conference call meeting:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 56832361