Location: Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Theresa Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum and Library), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield), Michelle Oh (Northeastern Illinois University), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick, co-chair (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli
Tasks Assigned
- Connie James-Jenkin took minutes.
- Jen and Elizabeth will follow up regarding open access books in VuFind & do we need cataloging recommendations for Open Access materials?
- Deb will create a Doodle poll for those presenting at the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference to meet to discuss their presentation.
- Elizabeth will post a list of consortial ebook purchases on the collaboration collection development Google page.
- Collaborative Collection Development Project: Minutes from the various subcommittees should be posted in the Collaborative Collection Development Google Document.
- If anyone is able to volunteer to help with the logistics (moderators, note takers, timers, etc.) for the April 28 Forum, they should email Jen and Elizabeth. Connie and Deb said they could help. Other committee members are checking their availability.
- Elizabeth will send to the committee links for the previous CARLI Annual Projects, so committee members can review they type and variety of past projects.
- Annual Project:
- Kimberly will start creating a draft shell document in Box so we can begin thinking about the White Paper before the April 6 meeting.
- Deb will review 2nd.
- All committee members should add content as relevant to their collaborative projects.
- All committee members should log into Box so they are familiar with working with the software prior to the April committee meeting.
- Jen will send directions on logging into Box so that all can see the tracking of changes as they are made.
- Elizabeth and Jen will send last year’s annual report to Deb and Kimberly.
- No items were added to the agenda.
- The committee decided to meet virtually in April rather than in-person.
- CARLI Update:
- Ebook survey has been sent out. If you took the survey during the testing phase, please re-take it. Testing phase data was deleted when the real survey was sent out.
- ProQuest Ebook Central update:
- ProQuest is requesting a change to the consortium’s move to the new platform. It will be sometime in June. ProQuest is working to confirm a date.
- The four webinars about ProQuest Ebook Central will be recorded.
- With the switch to the new platform, CARLI libraries will be able to access their own statistics for ProQuest Ebook Central and will not have to go through CARLI.
- There is a free trail access to some Ovid resources. Please check your email for details.
- ILA proposals are due on March 24. Must submit an abstract. All sessions are one hour.
- Public Services open houses on Maker Spaces are filling fast. You can join the waitlist if they are full.
- Collections Care Workshop still has space available.
- The CODSULI (Council of Directors of State University Libraries in Illinois) is meeting as a CARLI special interest group.
- Member Updates:
- Niamh mentioned that with their vacancies there may be some restructuring in the library.
- Kimberly’s new email address is: kshotick@iit.edu.
- Welcome to our new committee member Michelle Oh from Northeastern Illinois University.
- Michelle reports that they are still able to purchase materials due to the University’s library fee.
- Kimberly reports that at the CARLI Public Services Committee’s IIT Makerspace Open House attendees will be able to see their exhibit of famous degenerate art.
- Stephen reports that UIS will be doing some purchasing soon and weeding Illinois documents. The school’s One Book Committee has selected to read Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil.
- Deb reports that UIC has anew librarian for social work and urban planning. Deb is working on getting selectors to participate in our collaborative collection development project.
- Gretchen reports that her book club is still going strong. She continues to work on the podcast. She will be doing an ebook discussion for National Library Week for all community members and she will be doing a corresponding LibGuide.
- Open Access Ebook Discoverability in VuFind:
- Kimberly received an email from another institution that reported that, when searching in VuFind, if the “Hide eResources to which I don't have access” box is selected, open access ebooks that they have cataloged locally no longer appear in the search results. Discussion about where to refer this issue followed. There is no CARLI OPAC committee. Jen and Elizabeth reported that we are still using VuFind 0.6 and it is no longer being enhanced. CARLI staff are working on enhancements to VuFind 3.0, so a future upgrade of VuFind may address this.
- Presentation at Great Lakes Resource Sharing Forum:
- The proposal has been accepted. The committee members participating will have a separate meeting to work on this. Presentation is in June.
- Tracking Ebook Purchases for the Buy 2 Initiative for all CARLI Members:
- There have been 20+ libraries that have filled out the online form. CARLI will begin working on these submissions to confirm price.
- Anything submitted after May 10 will go onto the next fiscal year.
- An announcement was in the CARLI newsletter and is currently on the front page of the CARLI website.
- Collaborative Collection Development Project Updates:
- Literature: Niamh reports that the literature group met. There were approximately five participants and they have decided to focus on one time print purchases. They are now working on content priorities and may create a list of open access items for the catalog. A roving graphic novel collection was discussed.
- Nursing: The nursing group met and decided ebooks probably will not work very well but will post a list of available titles on the Google site so members can easily identify titles if they wish to purchase ebooks. Many in the group will pursue print purchases in some way. They will try to meet at the April 28th joint forum.
- Unique One Time Purchases: Kimberly reports that the group is moving along. She has shared her document on using GobiTween to identify titles. Some participants have posted their purchases to the Google Document site.
- Education: Kimberly and Michelle will discuss this subgroup as she is the Education Librarian at NEIU.
- Collaborative Collection Development Assessment Discussion:
- Kimberly has started a Box document on assessment.
- Discussion followed on how to assess the collaborative projects. The committee discussed various ideas including circulation statistics, faculty satisfaction, faculty collaboration, click thrus, growth of collection statistics using a search by date of titles were added and comparison to previous year.
- Anyone should add ideas to the Box document for use in the White Paper.
- Technical Services Joint Forum Update:
- The Forum is scheduled for April 28th at Governor’s State University.
- A list of the accepted proposals and a schedule were attached to the agenda.
- Collection Management Committee Annual Project:
- The due date is May 31.
- The project will be a paper on collaborative collection development best practices including assessment.
- The April 6 meeting will run from 9-12 and the White Paper will be the only agenda item (besides updates).
- Kimberly will start creating a draft shell document in Box so we can begin thinking about the White Paper before the April 6 meeting. Deb will review 2nd.
- Collection Management Committee Annual Report:
- Annual Report is also due on 5/31. It is a brief document.
Next Meeting
April 5, Thursday: We will do an Adobe Connect / meeting 9:00am-12:00pm.
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+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
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Conference ID: 56832361