Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick, co-chair (Northeastern Illinois University)
Members absent: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli
- CARLI Update:
- The project to add materials to the consortial ebook collection (via EBL/ProQuest) has slowed as there has been a delay on gaining pricing information from Proquest during the transition to a new representative.
- The CARLI Preservation Committee opened registration for their Collections Care Workshop on April 10.
- The Public Services Committee’s first open houses on makerspaces is March 17th at University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign in two of their makerspace labs on campus. There will be two more open houses at other college/public libraries’ makerspaces in April.
- eBook Survey Questions:
- Elizabeth and Kimberly met to go over the eBook Survey Questions. They will be available soon on Survey Monkey. It was decided to allow multiple replies per institution. Kimberly thanked the group for the suggestions and feedback given during the development of the survey.
- Member Announcements:
- Kimberly announced that she is leaving Northeastern at end of month. She has accepted a position as Assistant Dean of User Services and Outreach at IIT. Happily, she will be able to stay on in the Collection Management Committee in her new position. She also announced that she will be on leave June – August 2017.
- Gretchen reported increased attendance in her Student Book Club and over 50 hits on her podcast recording of the previous meeting. Committee members suggested live streaming the podcast or creating a forum for further book discussion online to increase virtual participation.
- Collaborative Collection Development Updates:
- Business Group: There has not been as much interest in this group. The few interested were directed to participate in the One Time Purchase Group.
- Education Group: There has been an increase in membership in the Education group.
- Literature Group: The literature group will be holding its first online meeting on February 16th, 10-11 a.m. 5-6 libraries have agreed to participate in the call. The group discussed the pros and cons of recording the meeting and decided against it. Niamh brought up the idea of considering open access titles for this project considering the proliferation of quality open access literature titles and current budget restraints. If open access options are explored further by the group, best practices for selection and inclusion in the catalog might be developed. Elizabeth offered to advertise the literature group via the CARLI Collections and Content Group email list in order to spread the word.
- Nursing Group: The group will hold its first online meeting on February 21st, 10-11 a.m.
- One Time Purchases: There has been a lot of interest shown, but no actual purchases yet. Kimberly has created a GobiTween instruction sheet to help people find books not purchased in CARLI as of yet. She brought it to the meeting to share with the group and requested that group members with access to GobiTween test the instruction sheet. She voiced concern that not many libraries can use this option, as GobiTween is a service provided at extra cost that not all libraries have purchased.
- Technical Services Committee Joint Forum:
- The last day for submission to present is Feb. 10th. There have been some submissions, but a few more would be appreciated. Everything else is on track. The forum will be held April 28th.
- CMC Project:
- The White paper on our Collaborative Collection Development Project is due at the end of May. A collaboration space has been set up in Box so that committee members can collaborate on this project.
- The group was asked to add any relevant information about their assigned group to the Box.
- Gretchen was asked to include her original outline for setting up a collaboration group to the Box.
- The outline included the recommendation to set up assessment parameters that will measure success. Kimberly thought it would be a good idea to start a document in the collaboration space in order to discuss possible assessment parameters to measure success in the overall project. Assessment discussion will be added to next month’s agenda.
- Of the groups that have met, there has been no actual purchases made as of yet. Progress has been made in determining group goals and parameters.
- The literature review Gretchen completed for the outline will be included in the project.
- The agenda was approved.
- Minutes of the January meeting were approved.
- Gretchen took minutes.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth will post the eBook Survey Questions on Survey Monkey.
- Kimberly will continue working on fine-tuning the GobiTween training sheet.
- Members with access to GobiTween will test the current version of training sheet.
- Gretchen will post the outline in Box for the CMC project.
- An assessment document will be added in Box by Kimberly.
- Niamh and Gretchen will host the first Literature Group meeting on February 16th.
- Elizabeth will advertise the Literature & Nursing Group meetings via the CARLI email list.
- The group will brainstorm assessment ideas for the CCD project to share at the next meeting.
- Members should explore options for locations for meeting in person during the April 6th meeting.
Next Meeting
March 2nd, Thursday: We will do a phone meeting, 10:00 – Noon.
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 56832361