Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: Deb Blecic, co-chair (University of Illinois at Chicago), Teri Embrey (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Connie James-Jenkin (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Members absent: Kimberly Shotick, co-chair (Northeastern Illinois University)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Jen Masciadrelli
- CARLI Update:
- Elizabeth has been in touch with Proquest about the switch to ProQuest Ebook Central, and they have confirmed that CARLI member libraries can move over to ProQuest Ebook Central in June. CARLI will start pushing this information out to all members, and offer access to a test system and provide information about potential webinars or training opportunities.
- Elizabeth is working on a draft to send out to CARLI members about purchasing Proquest ebooks to keep the contract open. Proquest confirmed that we can still work with all the same publishers, and books from other publishers can potentially be purchased, as well. Elizabeth will meet with the Proquest rep at noon to touch base on some other details.
- Deb asked for information about the best way to identify titles available in EBL/Proquest Central, particularly for those who are not already users of the platform.
- E-book phone call on 1/4/17 and possible survey questions (Anne):
- CARLI arranged for a call with the Heartland and RAILS library systems for an exploratory conversation about working together to buy an academic version of E-Read Illinois, a consortial project.
- Following the call, CARLI is considering what a new E-Read Illinois offering aimed at academic libraries would look like.
- E-Read Illinois is primarily recreational reading
- The systems need to provide CARLI member libraries with updated information about the project and what it would cost to participate, because so much has changed since the project started. They need to update their website with current information about membership.
- CARLI intends to do a survey of its members to find out what they would be interested in seeing in a consortial ebook project. Potential goals of the survey include:
- Find out which ebook publishers/vendors are currently being used
- Identify existing barriers to using ebooks
- Deb suggested that the survey should have questions asking libraries about the rights they have negotiated with ebook vendors for ILL, resource sharing, etc.
- Stephen is concerned about serving international students and diverse populations with their popular and recreational collections. He wonders if resource sharing could help address this issue.
- Member announcements: what’s going on in your library?:
- Gretchen reported that they have hired a temporary circulation staff member at Oakton Community College, and that she has posted her first book club podcast and it has had 34 listens so far.
- Teri reported that PMML is a host for the WWI Centennial Commission, and they are asking libraries that are planning WWI activities or events to please share with the commission website:
- Collaborative Collection Development Updates:
- Deb reported that the nursing group is using the model developed by the education group to try to make it very easy for libraries to purchase items. Deb and Stephen are working on a list of suggested ebooks available in EBL, and they will ask participating libraries to choose items from the list and indicate on a spreadsheet which ones they will buy.
- They will probably do a list of books from 2016.
- Elizabeth pointed out that Wiley materials do have a 2 year embargo on ebooks, so cannot be included in this list.
- They plan to hold a virtual meeting in early February, after the CARLI newsletter goes out.
- Deb reported on an update from Kimberly about using Gobi to locate books held/not-held in I-Share libraries for the one-time purchase group. We’ll ask Kimberly to demonstrate this for us at the next meeting.
- Niamh reported that several libraries have responded to emails indicating their interest in a literature collections project, and she will send out a doodle poll to schedule a meeting in early February.
- Many of these libraries indicated that they have very little money to spend at this time.
- Elizabeth mentioned a project where libraries added notes to their catalog records for books that won major awards to make these items easier to discover, as an example of a way to improve resource sharing with time but not money.
- Technical Services Committee joint forum:
- Niamh reported that the Call for Proposals has gone out, and the deadline may be extended to February.
- CMC Annual Project:
- We confirmed that the project deadline is the end of May
- Anything else?:
- Jen reported that proposals for the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference are due in one week, and ILA proposals are due in March. She suggests we could do something at both conferences, and report on the early stages and the later stages of the project.
- Niamh will work on a proposal for the Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference.
- Some of the material that was presented at the CARLI annual meeting can be used for this conference.
- Jen will ask Chris Diaz if he wants to participate.
- The agenda was approved.
- Minutes of the December meeting were approved.
- Niamh agreed to take minutes.
Tasks Assigned
- Elizabeth will ask the Proquest rep about identifying nursing books in EBL.
- Deb and Kimberly are working on a list of everyone participating in the one-time (unique) purchase group.
- Deb and Stephen will continue to work on the nursing group, and will schedule a meeting for February.
- Niamh and Gretchen will work on the literature group, and will schedule a meeting for February.
- Niamh will work on a draft proposal for the Great Lakes Resource Sharing conference and will share it with interested members of the committee.
- Jen will send out an email to people interested in the Great Lakes conference and include Chris Diaz.
Next Meeting
February 2nd, Thursday: We will do a phone meeting, 10:00 – 12:00.
+1 888 983 3631 (toll-free)
+1 217 332 6338 (Local Urbana-Champaign number)
+1 312 994 8410 (Local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 56832361