Location: Loyola University Chicago Downtown Campus
Members attending: Jeffry Archer, by phone (University of Chicago), Deb Blecic (University of Illinois at Chicago), Amelia Brunskill (DePaul University), Connie James-Jenkin, by phone (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy)Chris Diaz, co-chair (National-Louis University); Niamh McGuigan (Loyola University Chicago), Gretchen Schneider (Oakton Community College), Kimberly Shotick, co-chair (Northeastern Illinois University)
Members absent: Stephen McMinn (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Staff attending: Anne Craig, by phone, Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli, by phone
- Anne announced that the State Procurement Officer met with I-Share Next Task Force to begin review of the edraft RFP document for the next system.
- Anne announced that at the November 18 annual meeting there will be a Strategic Planning kickoff and that Barb Wilson, new Executive VP for Academic Affairs from UI will attend part of the meeting.
- Kimberly announced that Northeastern Illinois University will have three tenure-track positions opening soon, and that they are starting a digital repository.
- Gretchen announced that Oakton Community College has a cataloging position in process and is starting to circulate periodicals.
- Jeffrey announced that the University of Chicago is merging the reference department with the bibliographers, and that the Associate Director for user services is retiring.
- The EBL/Ebrary interface change date is not yet known. December 1st was a proposed date, but that was postponed due to end of semester concerns.
- As many are doing weeding, a brief discussion of weeding was held and Jen reminded all about the weeding webinar series that is archived on the CARLI website.
- Progress on Collaborative Collection Development projects was reported:
- One time commitment group is meeting on Wednesday. Deb and Kimberly Shotick are facilitating the phone meeting.
- Gretchen Schneider sent an outline of questions for meeting and possible ideas for a project management plan. The group discussed the ideas for assessment.
- The Education group met on October 12 with Chris Diaz and Amelia Brunskill facilitating. There were two outside attendees from Lake Forest and UIUC. K-12 print textbooks will be the focus of cooperation. The group is identifying what being used in classrooms right now. Chris Diaz e-mailed curriculum coordinators of CPS and Evanston/Skokie plus faculty adjuncts to find out what being used and was invited to clean out a warehouse. The group is comparing lists of what is being used to the holdings in I-share and will create a list of what not in I-Share and then purchase from that bibliography. A problem that some textbook /curriculum collections do not circulate locally or in I-Share. The group may try to ask institutions to review and change circulation policies for curriculum materials for participating schools. Jen will look at pulling the data from I-Share regarding current practices for loaning curriculum materials..
- The Literature group has not started yet. Niamh and Gretchen will coordinate.
- Connie contacted those interested in Business and will pursue a meeting with them.
- Deb reported that the Nursing group has not met due to schedules. Deb will look into whether the publishers on the EBL license support nursing, but there was some concern that the 35 use limit would not work for nursing.
- Tracking the items purchased was discussed. Jen suggested note in catalog bib record for tracking, perhaps CMCCCD. Also discussed was using a Google spreadsheet to track what people buy in order to reduce duplication.
- The CMC Presentation at Annual Meeting was discussed. Deb and Jeffry will have ten minutes to discuss last years’ annual project and why it matters now. Nov 11 is the due date for slides and a one page handout. The contact information for each collaborative subject group will be included on the handout. At the next meeting Deb and Jeffry will do a practice run of the presentation.
- The Joint Forum with the Technical Services Committee was discussed. This will be pursued further.
- The agenda was approved.
- Minutes of the September meeting were approved.
- The Annual Project for the Committee will be a report on the progress of Collaborative Collection Development. A statistics reports toolkit may also be done with the Technical Services Committee.
Tasks Assigned
- Deb took minutes for the meeting.
- Chris and Kimberly will work out wording for the annual project idea and send to Anne.
- Deb and Jeffry will work on the Annual Meeting presentation and handout.
- Everyone will come up with two session ideas for the forum on statistics and send them to Chris by Nov 1st. Topics can cover all types of statistics – CARLI, COUNTER, catalog data for weeding, etc.
- Everyone work on their respective collaborative collection development projects.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Next Meeting: November 7th at UIC