CARLI Office, Champaign, IL
Members attending: Christophe Andersen, Columbia College; Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Sally Gibson, Illinois State University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; Kristina Howard, Prairie State College; Susan Prokopeak, chair-elect/vice-chair, Joliet Junior College; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Members absent: John Small, North Central College
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Jen Masciadrelli (by phone)
- CARLI is looking to wind down the paper PDA project at the end of the fiscal year.
- The eBook PDA program is currently limited to 2nd copies when all loans for a title are exhausted within the year.
- The e-PDA program is still a CARLI priority if funding is available. The CARLI Staff is looking at ways the program might continue in the future. Any continuation of the program would not start until January 2016.
- Voyager upgrade planning is still ongoing, with the upgrade planned for June 12-15.
- Openings for committee volunteers for terms beginning July 1, 2015 have been announced.
- The Preservation Committee will hold a Burn Simulation & Recovery workshop at the Illinois Fire Service Institute on July 16, 2015. The program is limited to 20 people.
- eBook Symposium
- Mike Zeoli appreciated our input for his Keynote address.
- As of the meeting time, 62 people are registered for the Collection Management forum.
- Umbrellas and coffee mugs are available as incentives for people to provide feedback for future program. Note cards will be available during the day with the drawing for prizes at the end of the day during the CARLI update.
- Joliet Junior College is investigating offering two bachelor programs in nursing and automotive.
- UIUC is starting a medical program that will be bio-engineering based. Library resources will be all electronic.
- University of Chicago is hiring a head of database management and a new business librarian. U of C is also beginning a 2 year non-renewable resident librarian program.
- Illinois State University is hiring a new conservator.
- The Dean at SIUC is leaving. They are also interviewing for a new education and outreach position and a manuscript archivist.
- Columbia College Chicago will be accepting students and faculty from Harrington College of Design as Harrington begins the process of closing.
- Brainstorming for fall
- We discussed whether a webinar or series of webinars would be appropriate for the fall, possibly expanding on presentations from the eBook Symposium.
- Ideas and things to think about:
- Metadata for eBooks
- Fitting the needs of various sizes of institutions, what CARLI can do to help smaller libraries, what tools can they utilize
- EBook metadata: How you get it, use it, and why
- Best practices for discoverability
- Other brainstorming for future topics
- Strategies for managing budget cuts (3 schools/examples plus CARLI?)
- Libraries that are publishing their own journals
- Publishing student work
- Institutional repositories
- Locally created digital resources, their discoverability and use
- Virtual bookplates to highlight funding and donors.
- How does the decrease in print purchasing change consortial borrowing? Should CARLI look at specific publishers for consortial eBook purchases?
- Friends groups and collection development including wish lists, purchasing significant volumes, programming.
- General
- Christophe agreed to take minutes.
- Meeting was adjourned at 1:40
- eBook Symposium
- The committee agreed that the group would extend an offer to participate in the panel discussion. The person will be asked to focus on evidence based purchasing and assessment.
- Anita Foster (Illinois State University) requested more guidance for her section of the panel. The committee agreed she should focus on a mix of discovery, cataloging, and metadata.
- Annual Project
- The Annual Project will be completed in time to share at the eBook Symposium. The committee will welcome additions to the Annual Project, with an invitation and instruction for submission in the introduction to the paper.
- Friday April 24th is our time limit for new additions to the project before finalizing the paper.
- A call for additional submissions will be included on the symposium agenda.
Tasks Assigned
- eBook Symposium
- Elizabeth will contact the volunteer regarding participating on the eBook Symposium panel.
- Pam and Elizabeth will coordinate talking to Anita Foster regarding her part of the panel discussion.
- Elizabeth will send out a registration reminder email.
- Elizabeth and Jen will work on the evaluation for the eBook Symposium and share with the committee.
- Annual Project
- Christophe and John will complete the introduction by April 17.
- Elizabeth will add a link to the project and a note about additional submissions on the symposium agenda.
- Jeffrey will collect DOI’s for the final paper.
- Jen will follow up on what CARLI has started with virtual bookplates.
Next Meeting
May 21, 2015: Conference Call, 10:30 am - Noon
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