Conference Call
Members attending: Christophe Andersen, Columbia College; Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Sally Gibson, Illinois State University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; John Small, North Central College
Members absent: Kristina Howard, Prairie State College; Susan Prokopeak, chair-elect/vice-chair, Joliet Junior College
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Jen Masciadrelli
- Minutes of the February 5, 2015 meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The Collection Management Committee approved/accepted.the agenda as presented.
- Order of events for Ebooks conference settled. The CARLI Update of DDA will be moved to the end of the day.
- The meeting was adjourned at 11:00.
- CARLI eBook Program. All books are 3 users. For the time being, CARLI will purchase a 2nd copy when all loans for a book are exhausted within the year.
- Committee members shared their focus on State Budget concerns for the public institutions.
- John shared that North Central College is finishing with an external review.
- The October 22-24 ILA conference in Peoria will be a joint academic, public, school and special library conference. There will not be a separate IACRL conference in Spring 2016.
Tasks assigned
- Ebook conference
- Jeffry will cover Issues in Purchasing for the panel “Issues to ponder” portion of the agenda.
- The committee decided to send an email call for volunteer for a presenter on ebook assessment for the panel, “Issues to ponder.” – Elizabeth
- Lynn, Jeffry, and Christophe will discuss topics for keynote speaker to address.
- Elizabeth and Jen will check if there are any CARLI umbrellas that might be used as an incentive for audience feedback on future program ideas.
- All members will review and add citations to the ebook final report.
- Christophe and John will coordinate an introduction to the ebook report.
- Members will consider options/topics for fall educational program prior to April meeting.
Next Meeting
- Next Meeting: April 13, 2015; CARLI Office, Champaign 10:00-3:00