Conference Call
Members attending: Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Hannah Buckland, Eureka College; Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Kim Fournier, chair, William Rainey Harper College; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Members Absent: Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology; Susan Prokopeak, Joliet Junior College; Todd Spires, Bradley University
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Jen Masciadrelli
- SIUC has openings for a Preservation Librarian and Head of Reference.
- Hannah Buckland is resigning from this committee after this meeting as she is leaving for a new position. Eureka College has an opening for a Technical Services & Copyright Librarian.
- At the University of Chicago, they are testing their implementation of VuFind for January release. Eventually they will remove the Horizon and Aqua Browser interfaces.
- Greenville College is doing a major weeding of print periodicals.
- The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign has about 10 open positions in the Library. They have received authorization to fill some open positions.
- CARLI announcements: The CARLI Print PDA project now has 1,399 books purchased by patrons at 75 libraries, with almost $70,000 spent since the project began Feb. 14, 2012. The books have averaged $49 each. 52.9% were only available in print at the time of the purchase.
- The CARLI ebook PDA project is at the stage of having contracts signed, so an announcement should be coming soon.
- Minutes from the Nov. 12, 2013, meeting were approved.
- For the IACRL preconference, Todd will present on their usage of Copyright Clearance Center’s “Get It Now” service. Lynn will present on circulation rates of PDA print selections as compared to titles selected by bibliographers for Core academic books. It will be at the Chicago Marriott in Oakbrook.
- The Weeding webinars will be a series of three, one each month Feb., March and April.
- The eBooks PDA forum will be in early June or July.
- The Committee Whitepaper will probably be focused on weeding issues.
- The meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m.
Tasks Assigned:
- Jane was selected to take Minutes.
- Elizabeth, Lynn, and Todd will continue to work on the IACRL preconference presentations for March 20.
- Chad, Kim, Pam, and Todd will continue to develop the weeding/collection relocation webinar series. Elizabeth will contact CARLI libraries that have participated in the Last Copy Project
- Chad, Lynn, and Todd will continue to develop the ebook program for late May or early June, working with representatives from Commercial Products, I-Share System, Public Services, Technical Services, and SFX Committees, the result of some very profitable conference calls.
- Kim will do some background research on literature about weeding and others should send her relevant materials or post them on our Wiki. She will frame the issue and summarize the important information from the webinars and we will come up with some “best practices” or recommendations for the conclusion of the Whitepaper.
- Elizabeth reported on the Usage Statistics Forum held 11/22/13, and shared the survey results. The responses were mostly positive; it was a tight agenda with many presentations, some only 15 minutes long.
- The topics for the series of webinars on Weeding were discussed, possible presenters for each session were identified, and volunteers will be contacting them.
- The eBook PDA Forum will include morning sessions with an overview by Lynn Wiley, a panel about various platforms in use at CARLI libraries, a CARLI update on the PDA programs, and a session on “triggers” for purchase, lease, or loan. The afternoon will be split into two tracks, for PDA 101 and Advanced PDA, with 30-minute interest groups at the end to discuss issues of interest, such as vendors, profiles, loading records, triggers, etc.
Next Meetings
- Conference calls from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: January 14, February 11, March 11, May 13, June 10
- In-person meeting at the CARLI Office, Champaign 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: April 10