Members attending: Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Hannah Buckland, Eureka College;; Kim Fournier, chair, William Rainey Harper College; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology; Susan Prokopeak, Joliet Junior College
Members Absent: Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Todd Spires, Bradley University; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Jen Masciadrelli
- Southern Illinois University is advertising for a Preservation Librarian
- The contract negotiations for the CARLI eBook Patron Driven Acquisitions Pilot Project is nearly finished. More information will be shared with the membership as it becomes available.
- All planning is complete for the CARLI Usage Statistics Forum that will be held on November 22 at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Registration is open.
- The planning for the CARLI IACRL Preconference planning continues.
- Minutes of October meeting were approved.
- The small group that met to discuss the weeding program presented their idea for a series of webinars that include an introduction to weeding, communication needed for a weeding program/project, and working with special formats or collection.
Tasks Assigned
- Susan Prokopeak will take the minutes.
- Pam will write an overview for the series of weeding webinars.
- Elizabeth will develop a list of those institutions that have submitted items for the last copy project as possible webinar presenters.
- Jeffry will ask his colleague if he might be interested in presenting for one of the webinars.
- Elizabeth and Jen will invite other CARLI groups to help plan a program on ebook Patron Driven Acquisitions.
Meeting Dates
- CARLI conference calls: 12/10, 1/14, 2/11, 3/11, 5/13, 6/10
- In-person meeting scheduled Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (rescheduled to April 10)