Zoom / Conference Call
Members present: Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin, Co-Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon, Co-Chair (Illinois State University)
Member absent: Marlee Graser, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
- Hunt Dunlap confirmed to take minutes.
- Minutes approved from August 26, 2020 conference call.
Review of CARLI Committees
Reviewed and discussed CARLI’s committees’ charge/annual reports, recent activity and potential for overlap with CCC.
- Marlee: Collection Management Committee
- [Angela presented Marlee's forwarded report]. Found little overlap with CCC; With the broad responsibilities noted for the CMC, suggested possible overhaul of the CARLI committee structure, with CMC serving as an umbrella committee over several related committees.
- Tricia: Commercial Products Committee
- Found little overlap with CCC; CPC more focused on product recommendations, RFPs, and training.
- Angela: Instruction Committee
- Found little overlap with CCC. IC identifies needs and best practices for instruction librarians and Information Lit programs. Elizabeth noted that this is a very active committee, devoted to BI issues/content.
- Angela: Preservation Committee
- Found little overlap with CCC. PC deals with preservation issues related to virtually all traditional formats, but has not handled "born digital" formats/content.
- Hunt: Open Educational Resources Committee
- Found little overlap with CCC. Devoted almost exclusively to promotion, training and use of OER (e.g., "textbook") materials. Amy noted that OERC is interested in licensing issues ("5 Rs"); it is a new committee (March 2020), after being a task force for 3 years. Greer suggested possible collaboration regarding licensing terms (utilization of appropriate licensing for CCC resources), and sharing membership education practices.
- Matt: Technical Services Committee
- Found little direct overlap with CCC, but some areas of shared interest, especially regarding metadata creation, harvesting and use. One possible area of collaboration might be in developing/sharing "best practices." Group discussion indicated TSC, of any committee, may share most similarity in tools/processes, if not necessarily outlook/content.
- Greer: Public Services Committee
- Found little overlap with CCC. However, Greer reported some overlap with PSC in the area of assessment (e.g., compiling outreach stats, web usability/accessibility testing). Elizabeth noted PSC interests are broad and vary frequently.
- Greer: Resource Sharing Committee
- Found little direct overlap with CCC. RSC focus has been on review and possible update of consortial ILL policies.
CCC asked Amy/Elizabeth to contact Technical Services and OER Committees -- to share information on current projects/activities, and express interest in possible collaboration as appropriate.
Discussion of CARLI Committee Chairs Meeting & December's Re-Imagining Report
Discussion centered on understanding and purpose of October’s Chairs meeting given the Board's "self evaluation" charge to each committee. How to chart the way forward? What information should be brought to the meeting? What is expected of the chairs? What will be on the agenda? How do we assess our committee for the December report? Will there be further direction? Liaisons acknowledged some ambiguity (and some time before the October meeting's agenda is disseminated and December report due), while also noting the meeting is an opportunity for committee leaders to engage and share perspectives about their committee's work, along with potential areas of confluence and disparity into the future -- an opportunity for conversation.
There was general agreement that CCC's charge and activities do not have significant areas of overlap with existing CARLI committees, and that CCC's areas of concern would not merge advantageously with the work of the other committees.
Project Planning for FY21
Angela led the group in narrowing the list of major projects for the year, including:
- Write report for Re-imagine Committee (December 1).
- Focus our attention on the optimal use of Alma/PrimoVE as a gateway for digital collections discovery. Greer noted this is an important and timely project right now -- there is a widely felt need to explore, test, and report out opportunities and best practices. This project alone may keep us occupied for the entire year.
- Training/Spring Workshops: Amy noted the "Open Refine" workshop has been rescheduled for spring. Interest was expressed in pursuing this and potentially providing other training opportunities (e.g., Alma/PrimoVE). [Elizabeth forwarded information on an upcoming virtual (free) regional conference on digital collections: https://minitex.umn.edu/events/conference/2020-11/upper-midwest-digital-collections-conference-minnesota-digital-library]
Next Meeting
The next committee virtual meeting will occur on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 9:00am-10:00am.