Zoom / Conference Call
Members present: Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin, Co-Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon, Co-Chair (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
- Marlee Graser confirmed to take minutes.
- Minutes approved from May 26, 2020 conference call.
Reviewed CARLI All Committee Meeting
- Main takeaways:
- In FY21, each committee should actively discuss whether the group should continue, cease, combine, or split.
- Annual committee projects may be suspended or continued in parallel with a focus on the committee’s future.
- In short, the committee’s project for the year can be its re-envisioning.
- Slides and recordings here: https://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory
- Timeline for committee report on re-envisioning and assessment:
- Chairs of committees will get together in October or November.
- Draft report due December 1
- Final report due March 1
Projects Ideas for FY21
- Re-imagine committee and write report.
- Alma/PrimoVE as an opportunity to get back into the conversation about digital collections discovery.
- Expand the scope of the committee to include created content issues more broadly defined, like re-using existing metadata, linked open data, data feeds, etc.?
- Create documentation on using OAI-PMH to feed different repository data into Alma/PrimoVE.
- Gather data on how many institutions are and are not using CONTENTdm and what needs the platform is and is not meeting.
- CollectionBuilder - CONTENTdm: Developing a Static ‘Skin’ for CONTENTdm-Based Digital Collections.
For Next Meeting
Each committee member will read through their assigned committee’s charge and annual report and report back to the group regarding what the committee has been working on recently and if there may be potential for overlap with CCC.
Future Meetings
Confirmed recurring meeting time for FY21 as the 4th Tuesday of the month at 9am. Amy will set this up on the CARLI calendar and send out links for the next meeting.