Created Content Committee meeting: August 28, 2015


Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason, Chair (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University),Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jennifer Wolfe (Newberry Library)

CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)


  • Minutes taker for each meeting will continue by alphabetical order-Ian to take minutes.
  • Minutes from the July meeting were approved.

Committee Meeting Schedule

  • Still will be Fourth Tuesday of every month; now at 11AM CST
  • Dates for the year are: September 22, October 27, November 24, December 22, January 26, February 23, March 22, April 26, May 24, June 28, July 26.

CARLI Digital Collections Browse Page

Committee members reviewed a few questions about the website’s browse pages. Why do CARLI collections link to browse page instead of homepage? Can we just go to the homepage instead?

Currently clicking browse the collection takes you to the first browse screen instead of the collection home page. We will switch the home page and the browse collection links on the intermediary page. (This is a page that has to be kept for functionality sake.)

Review of FY2015 Committee Activities

  1. Revised digital collection policy.
  2. Featured images ongoing/book of the month restarted.
  3. Google analytic reports quarterly
  4. Newspaper/yearbook digitization project=completed yearbook portion.
  5. Two episodes of the podcast completed.
  6. Survey finished-how CARLI institutions market their digital collections?

Continuting Projects

  • Featured image - image selected bi-weekly. Ellen, Alice, Mary currently is working on it. Jen will join. Featured Images will still be every other week and showcased via email and on the CARLI website.
  • Featured book - Focusing on digitized books that were in our holdings in the Internet Archive primarily. Yearbooks have also been selected. Alice currently is working on this.  Ellen and Ian will join.
  • Statistics traffic - Margaret proposes collection some other stats to collect. Things like social media tracking (page links/hits from Reddit/Tumblr). Margaret will continue working on it. Adam and Mary will join in to help analyze and develop new ways to look over our traffic, keywords, and such.
    • Jennifer proposes gathering more data and would like to see information such as long lists of keywords accessed, geographic access, domains.
    • Group asks if the raw data from Google Analytics being posted and such? Should they be sent more out as a news item, to contact persons, listservs? 
    • Summaries of currently gathered data are on the CARLI site. Amy will try to get the group more access to Google Analytics.
  • Digitized Book of the Month: Alice has posted the digitized book for July.
  • Featured Image: Jen expressed interest in participating and proposed starting a tumblr, citing Wisco Histo as an example. Margaret noted that Google Analytics indicate that the featured images are being reposted.
  • Podcasts: Margaret has taken the lead and is seeking a collaborator on the Digital Public Library of America podcast initiated by former members Paul Go and Howie Carter.  The Illinois State Library has submitted an application to DPLA, and the committee agreed to hold off until the application is approved in order to focus on Illinois involvement.
  • Google Analytics: Margaret will continue to work on traffic sources and has also taken responsibility for keyword analysis for the time being.  Instructions can be found on the wiki; Amy will send links via the committee email list.


DPLA episode was delayed until the project gets moving at the state level. (DPLA did announce that Illinois is officially a hub now during this meeting.)

Episode ideas:

  • Potentially discussing with the head of tech of DPLA?
  • Episodes involving: instruction, social media, and marketing.
  • Librarians (in consortium of outside the consortium) using CARLI collections in interesting ways.
  • Tumblr curation in combo with existing channels as a way to boost signal of materials/collections. Possibly involving non CONTENTdm holding institutions.

Mary worked on one about institutions using other platforms and digitized materials. It was difficult trying to schedule interviews with outside institutions at times. Group proposes doing more episodes with internal group/council members might create a more focused schedule (One every other month) and allow for more topics to be covered.

Tentative Podcast Episode schedule:

  • October-Marketing digital collections. (Covering some of what was in the previous CARLI white paper/survey/Tumblr initiative.)
  • December-DPLA rollout.
  • February-Follow up to the Tumblr initiative. Lessons learned.
  • April: Interview about student created video at University of Illinois.
  • June: Hosting streaming video and other things. 


Picking up from last month committee members discussed the creation of a CARLI Collections tumblr. The CARLI Tumblr can be set up with a basic CARLI specific Gmail. Jen will be drafting policies for posting/usage.

We will take a look at some of the overall general Tumblr policies that Jen is working on at the next meeting.

Annual Project

A report that includes a follow up to survey-external promotions of digital collections. More understanding of social media in relation to our materials. Creating a Tumblr to put these ideas into practice. Evaluating our overall outreach strategies and stats.

We need a title and short blurb for this project.