Conference Call
Members present: Marlee Graser, Co-Chair (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron, Co-chair (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Ariana Potter (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
Board Liaison: John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
- Hunt Dunlap was confirmed as recorder for this month.
- The September 24, 2019 minutes were approved.
- Due to holiday scheduling, the regular November and December meetings were canceled. However, a consolidated meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2019 at 9am via conference call.
CARLI Annual Meeting (1-page)
- Marlee discussed the one-page handout for the presentation she had volunteered to give on our Committee’s behalf. She thanked everyone for comments and requested any final suggestions.
Best Practices Document
- Amy is finishing final link checks.
Social Media Promotion
- Marlee completed September and scheduled promotions through the first week of November.
- Marlee suggested that we review the past year’s stats in early 2020; and in general to keep an eye on stats and change tactics as appropriate.
- We currently have enough items for promotions to get us through December, but everyone is encouraged to add their contributions (~5) within the week, and to finish assignments before the next meeting.
Webinar Series
- Hannah and Sarah are scheduled to hold Copyright sessions on the first three Tuesdays of December (3rd, 10th, 17th). Amy is following up with them regarding final details and advertising for inclusion in CARLI Newsletter. An evaluation will be sent to registrants for all webinars after the conclusion of the final session.
Call for Proposals
- No submissions have been received from the September 26 call. Suggestions were made on how to widen the call (e.g., ask for nominations or suggestions for contributors/sessions, target emails to individuals). There was a general sense that Alma preparations currently dominate our membership schedule. Agreed not to seek additional sessions for winter/spring, but will revisit this issue again during summer meetings.
Workshop (Late Spring)
- Tricia and Greer are scheduled to give OpenRefine sessions in late Spring.
- Further discussions about possible Alma/Primo VE (import/normalization) session on hold until sandbox arrival.
Google Analytics
- Angela, Matt, Marlee, and Greer rotating responsibility by quarter for Keyword & Traffic reports.
- Greer and Angela had completed the outstanding quarters. Marlee agreed to complete Q2 (FY20) and Q4 of FY19.
Next Meeting
- The next committee conference call will occur on December 6, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.
- The regular November & December meetings were canceled.