I Hotel, Champaign
Members present: Marlee Graser, Co-Chair (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron, Co-chair (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Ariana Potter (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University)
Members absent: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff present: Anne Craig, Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso (by phone)
Board Liaison: John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
- Greer Martin was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The July 30, 2019 meeting minutes were approved.
- Next meeting is Sept. 24, Aug. 27 meeting is cancelled.
Anne Craig’s Update
- Migration from Voyager to Alma began on June 24, 2019. Voyager was hosted on CARLI services, and is moving to Alma Primo VE, hosted by Ex Libris.
- The Annual Meeting will take place on November 15.
- First cohort from CARLI Counts grant from IMLS will attend the annual meeting. Registration for the second cohort will open soon.
- On November 14, CARLI will host the first career fair for the iSchool. Tables are free for CARLI Governing Members. 300 students will attend. Illinois public libraries and business that employ libraries have been invited to attend. A mixer will follow the fair, at which CARLI will announce its 40th anniversary in 2020 and the launch of an iSchool scholarship to commemorate the anniversary.
- The Mid Level Leaders Symposium will take place on September 25 at the Holiday Inn in Champaign.
- ACRL Roadshow for Standards for Libraries in Higher Education will take place in October 29 at UIC. The workshop is full but there is a waiting list.
- CARLI has hired a graduate assistant from the iSchool, Emily Ross.
- Introduction of John Pollitz, CARLI Board liaison.
- A discussion takes place about how the committee can support the Alma/Primo integration, since that is CARLI charge to committees. The committee can explore Primo integration of metadata from other sources.
Annual Meeting
The committee has to send a representative to the annual meeting to give five minute presentation. Marlee volunteered to present, pending travel ability. She will confirm soon. Tricia volunteered to present if Marlee cannot.
Current and Ongoing Projects
- Best Practices Documentation
- The Committee’s best practices documentation was last updated in 2016-2017. Should it be updated this year, if not, what is an appropriate schedule? The committee agreed that every two years is two frequent considering that updates take a lot of time. It was suggested that the committee check web links in the documentation only. Amy Maroso will take the lead on this.
- Google Analytics
- Committee should resume quarterly reporting for Google Analytics. To increase use of the reports, the Committee could add information about how to read the reports and what the metrics mean. This information could be added to the promotions guidelines. Marlee and Greer volunteered to help with Google Analytics reporting this year.
- We will get our next report at the end of October (for July – Sept). The last report, April – June will be sent out shortly. The next report should go out in October. Marlee will confirm with Hunt and Angela to see if they still want to do this work, Marlee will do if not. Matt, Marlee and Greer can do them going forward.
- Facebook
- The Facebook submission form has only received submissions from committee members. The committee discussed how we might get more interest from non-committee members, including emailing notifying subject librarians about the form, in addition to the CARLI members. The committee surveyed membership last year to learn how they are using social media. Those who do not have social media accounts might be good libraries to target, they would be able to promote their collections through the CARLI Facebook account. The CARLI page should follow other CARLI libraries.
- A discussion took place about having a policy for comments on posts, and how to moderate interactions.
- Greer was added as a Facebook editor.
- Committee members will each submit 5 or 6 posts by the October meeting. The three editors can take one month each (rotating) and be responsible for liking and sharing.
- Amy will gather a list of collections that we can’t use for the posts.
- Facebook has an “Insights” page with analytics. Editors will download the Facebook reports on the final workday of every month, for the month during which they are editing. They will compile quarterly reports (3 months of data), and add these to the Google Analytics reports.
- Marlee: September, December, March, June
- Greer: October, January, April
- Matt: November, February, May
Project Brainstorming
Webinar Series
- The committee brainstormed projects about showing the value of digital collections. Google Analytics can be used to do this, as can other kinds of assessment, such as user stories and surveys.
- The committee discussed a webinar series about tracking and/or showing value of digital collections. The methods could include tying collections into the classroom and curriculum, lesson plans, grants, instruction, and digital humanities. The committee looked at the National Portrait Gallery’s lesson plans for collections, NIU is creating similar lesson plans, drafted by faculty and researchers.
- There is also how people engage with collections via social media.
- A theme for the webinar might be how to set up digital collection so that they are used beyond their expected use. Metadata is part of this, for instance rightstatements.org clearly tells users an item’s copyright status, which is the starting point for re-use. DPLA digital exhibits demonstrate how copyright statements and watermarked content affects re-use. Collections with clear rights statements and no watermarks are prioritized for selection while those that don’t have this are not used.
- There are programs to automate metadata assessment, DLF has a committee on metadata assessment and Christina Harlow has programs for assessment on Github.
- Metadata values and structure help people do research, re-use of metadata. How to give people the data they need to do their research.
- Another webinar theme emerged, which is working with what you’ve got. These ideas don’t require expanding collections or digitization, but setting up digital collections for maximum use. A main purpose of this is to prove success to grant agencies and administrators.
- The committee discussed if webinars or documentation is the better format for this series, or some combination.
- The committee reviewed webinar ideas, including:
- Google Analytics, showing engagement through Facebook
- Librarians bringing external people in to collaborate on digital projects
- Student publishing
- Rights statements and shareable metadata – Tricia will reach out to Hannah
- Series can have a topic: make the most of what you have. For the next meeting, committee should think of a better phrasing for the series.
- The committee could issue a call for proposals on a topic, such as showing values of digital collections. We could set up a form, and ask for an abstract. This proposal should go out soon.
- DLF has pedagogy for digital materials group, Matt will contact them with the call.
- The Newberry has a summer symposium, Marlee will contact them.
- Tricia will contact Hannah about rightstatements.org webinar.
- If these three say yes, we should schedule them and then put out the call.
- This could be a virtual conference, rather than a webinar series.
- Marlee will draft the call by the next meeting.
- Tricia teaches an OpenRefine workshop at UIUC Libraries. The committee discussed repeating this as a CARLI workshop.
- CARLI will pay for lunch if it’s at least 4 hours. Tricia has a cheat sheet for OpenRefine installation. Attendees will need to install it prior to coming. The workshop lasts about an hour and a half or an hour. Tricia can do beginners in AM and Greer can do reconciliation in PM.
- Other ideas include adding a session on Google Analytics to the workshop day, such as how to do it and how to spin it. We could bring someone in virtually. Kirk Hess at LOC was suggested and Matt will ask him. Since this would be virtual, a webinar is probably a better format than an in-person workshop.
- The timing that was agreed upon was an OpenRefine workshop in later spring (April) and webinars in early spring. Amy and Elizabeth will figure out where the workshop could be held. Tricia and Greer will let Amy and Elizabeth know what dates do or do not work in April.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on September 24, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.