Created Content Committee Meeting: June 25, 2019


Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ariana Lim (Pritzker Military Museum & Library), Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)

CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso


  • Ellen was confirmed to take minutes this month.
  • The May 28 meeting minutes were approved.

Facebook Posting Checkin

  • Seventeen submissions have been received that includes one from a non-committee member at Wheaton College.
  • This promotional feature has been advertised on the CARLI Facebook page, in the CARLI Newsletter, and among CARLI librarian interest group listservs.
  • Topics such as “select ‘your’ institution,” intellectual property, and picture formatting were also discussed.

Election of New Chair for 2019/2020

  • Tricia and Marlee volunteered to serve as co-chairs.
  • Although new committees officially begin as of July 1, we are asked not to meet until after the all-committee webinar to be held on Tuesday, July 23, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
  • Another new feature in this coming year is greater involvement with the Board of Directors by assignment of a board liaison.
  • Amy pointed out that we could schedule a meeting call for the last Tuesday of the month on July 30.