Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ariana Lim (Lewis University), Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Hunter Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
CARLI staff present: Jessica Gibson
- Angela was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The April 23 meeting minutes were approved.
Social Media Next Steps
- Six entries were made by Ariana and Ellen using the Facebook form.
- No images needed editing or manipulation; any pdf files will be changed to image files.
- Process worked well on the Facebook submission form for Ellen and Ariana.
- Edit entries if characters are longer than 150 characters. Members agreed to add a note on the submission form that entries may be edited for brevity to let the contributor know before a submission. Matt volunteered to add the brevity note.
- Matt will add an introductory announcement on Facebook page.
- Workflow for the Facebook posts
- 2 posts/month to be submitted by each committee member that will serve as the backlog posts.
- The editors (Tricia, Marlee, and Matt) will schedule 2-3 posts a month.
- Members approved the newsletter announcement. It will be going out Wednesday.
Review Annual Report
- Members reviewed draft and agreed the annual report covers all areas and looks good.
- Matt will notify Elizabeth and Amy the report is ready.
New Chair for 2019/2020
- There was a call for nomination or volunteer(s) for the role of new chair for 2019-2020.
- This can be a team of 2 co-chairs.
- Some reasons to volunteer for chair:
- If you are interested in working in social media, there is much opportunity to work in this area.
- If you currently work in Digital Collections at your institution, you can have some additional help from the committee.
- If you are tenure-track at your institution, serving as a chair on CARLI committee looks great for your portfolio.
- CARLI staff also supports the chair (Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage serve as liaisons to CARLI).
- The resource sharing and active volunteering on the committee is invaluable to CARLI.
- If interested or have questions, contact Matt and/or can discuss further at next meeting.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on June 25, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.