Conference Call
Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunter Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ariana Lim (Lewis University), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage
- Colin was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The September 21, 2018 in-person meeting minutes were approved with edits.
Review and Discuss Social Media Survey Results
- Tumblr is one of the least used platforms. This committee may not want to continue support of the CARLI Digital Collections Tumblr blog.
- We should summarize what we discovered through the survey in report form; then determine action steps after reviewing the report.
- Matt will draft this report for review before our next meeting.
- Note: spike in responses after email “blast.”
Continue Linked Data Webinar Series Planning
- Schedule discussion: February 2019 is target launch; Series to include three bi-weekly sessions. The committee felt it was important to conclude the series prior to member institutions’ spring breaks. Tentative dates: Feb. 5, Feb. 19, March 5 with the start time to be 10 am. This will allow adequate time for the webinar recordings to be posted prior to the next webinar in the series. With this timeline, we need to confirm speaker times by the end of November to make an early December announcement.
- Topic/speaker discussion: We should provide as much guidance as possible for presenters without being overly prescriptive. Presentations should generally be 40 minutes with 20 minutes for questions. Audience questions can be gathered via the registration form. Are there qualified speakers within the consortium? Paid speakers require more administrative overhead and lead time.
- Overview and basics webinar: Committee discussed possible speaker candidates at member institutions (UIUC iSchool, IIT, Dominican). Matthew will approach possible leads.
- Linked data in context webinar: Could have a speaker from ExLibris talk about Alma and linked data (limited to 20 minutes). Second section on BibFrame--Matt will contact LoC for possible speaker ideas. Committee will continue to brainstorm third section for this webinar.
- Current projects webinar: Presentations from Matt and Greer confirmed. Will continue to brainstorm other project presenters at next meeting.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on November 27, 2018, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.