CARLI Office, Champaign
Members Present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunter Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ariana Lim (Lewis University), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
CARLI Staff Present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig
- Marlee was confirmed as today’s recorder.
- August 28, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.
Promotion Survey
- Committee approved questions:
- Institution Name
- What social media platforms does your institution use?
- Can you provide links to your social media platforms?
- Do you use these social media platforms to promote your digital collections (e.g. digitized images and other content)?
- On average, how frequently does your institution promote your digital collections on its social media platforms?
- Do you have ideas on how CARLI could help your institution promote your digital collections?
- Providing your contact information is optional, but will allow our committee to follow up with you if we have any questions about your responses. Any results shared publicly from this survey will be anonymous.
- The survey must be approved by CARLI Communications staff.
- Survey will be sent to CONTENTdm contacts, digital collections interest group, main CARLI announce list, and in the CARLI newsletter.
Discussion on Potential Annual Projects for 2018/2019
- Promotion Activities
- Creating a CARLI Digital Collections social media account on a platform informed by the survey. Give member institutions an account and ability to post to promote their own collections on the CARLI account. Anne Craig indicated that this would not be an issue legally.
- Create a social media style guide.
- Digital Collections in Curriculum and Classrooms
- Coordinate with Instruction Committee about doing workshop or producing a document about how to implement digital collections content in classrooms and coursework.
- Linked Data
- Develop or invite a webinar or workshop about linked data.
- Possibly pursue a partnership with Technical Services Committee, who are developing a forum on change management for Spring 2019 with specific tracks in the afternoon.
- Write an IMLS Leadership grant to do a state-wide continuing education program on linked data.
- Introductory Session Webinar – Possible topics
- Basic introduction (30-40 minutes of content)
- Linked data and the library (1 hour of content)
- Projects
- Greer volunteered to discuss IIT’s reconciliation project.
- Northern Illinois University’s project on dime novels.
- DAMS Analysis
- Create a recommendation/exploration document with an executive summary that includes an analysis of DAMS currently in use, how they are being used, and how they can be implemented (digital collections, IR, exhibits, at a consortium level, etc).
- Grant Writing
- Workshops/webinars or list of resources for digital collection grants.
- Panel webinar with those who were awarded grants.
- What type of work goes into getting and implementing a grant and grant management?
CARLI Updates
- CARLI has received about half of the Digital Collections Agreements from member institutions using CONTENTdm.
- Update from Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director:
- The CARLI budget held steady and received funding for salary increases.
- Received IMLS Grant, “CARLI Counts,” a three-year continuing education grant to help train CARLI libraries use data to communicate their impact. Project beginning Oct. 1 and interested institutions can sign up sometime after the annual meeting on November 2.
- I-Share Next RFP process continues.
Action Items
- Pursue promotion of digital collections, linked data webinars, and DAMS analysis as projects for 2018/2019.
- Send out survey on social media use for digital collections to member institutions.
- Brainstorm topics to include in linked data webinars and add to Google Doc by next meeting.
- Brainstorm DAMS analysis criteria.