Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso
CARLI staff absent: Elizabeth Clarage
- Tricia was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The May 9, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.
Update on the Committee Membership Roster for 2018/2019
- Ariana Lim (Lewis University)
- Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University)
- Angela Yon (Illinois State University)
Electing a New Chair
- Eligible members: Marlee, Colin, Tricia, Greer, Matt
- Matt volunteers for the chair position - Matt was confirmed as the chair for 2018/2019.
CONTENTdm Update
CARLI’s CONTENTdm instance will become OCLC hosted within the next few months.
- The current contract is up at the end of the month, and the new contract starts July 1, 2018.
- OCLC is removing support for locally hosted CONTENTdm instances.
- Changes:
- OCLC will create logins for users now
- Possible server URL change
- Possibly some downtime
- Questions:
- What will be other changes or differences?
- Most other things will stay the same.
- We don’t know how much control (indexing etc.) that CARLI will have locally vs. what will need to be requested for OCLC help.
- Copyright agreements since we are moving to OCLC space?
- The agreement collection owners had signed with CARLI was based on OCLC agreement with CARLI so rights should not change.
Next Meeting
There will be a welcome meeting for new members in July. Amy will set up a doodle poll.