Members present: Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University)
Members absent: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
- Ellen was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The March 14, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.
Project Status Reports
Webinar Planning:
- Tricia reported that Alice wrote the webinar description.
- Amy posted the announcement to email lists and in the CARLI newsletter.
- Thirty-one registrations have been received to date.
- Amy and Elizabeth will contact the presenters to make sure the technical setup works.
- Presenters will need to sign a form giving permission to record, and to send their PowerPoints to Amy and Elizabeth a few days in advance of the webinar.
Best Practices for Promoting Digital Collections Document:
- Ellen reported for Greer that the final draft is available for review and asked committee members to offer feedback by April 30. Feedback can be submitted by email or by commenting on the document on Google Drive.
- The working group will incorporate any feedback and post the final version of the document for approval at the May 9 meeting.
- Preliminary reactions from committee members were that the document includes a lot of content, but looks well-organized and useful for those getting started with promotion.
Discussion of Digital Collections License Final Draft:
- It was noted that this draft differs substantially from the version previously reviewed by the committee, and that it deviates entirely from the intent of the committee’s original request—i.e., to obtain blanket permission to use the digital collections of all CARLI member libraries in promotion on any platform.
- Legal counsel was concerned with creating a document addressing participation in CARLI Digital Collections, comparable to the I-Share participation agreement. Once signed, this license will grant permission to promote collections, unless the institution opts out of sublicensing specific items or collections.
- Digital collections outside of CARLI Digital Collections are not covered by this license.
- For non-CDC collections, the committee may reuse any images that libraries have made available via social media on the same platform, as the libraries will have agreed to the terms and conditions of that platform.
- The committee may not use those images on other platforms, as CARLI cannot agree to terms and conditions on behalf of member libraries, nor may the committee use any images that have not already been posted by those libraries.
- The question of public domain was raised: Although images may be in the public domain, the associated metadata may not be. Many funding agencies, however, have begun to require the metadata to be in the public domain. Matt will send examples to Amy and Elizabeth in order to discuss this question with Anne.
- The image licensing agreement will be sent from CARLI upper management to library directors, then the institutions will determine who is authorized to sign the agreement.
- Further discussion is tabled for now, possibly to be revisited later.
Additional Items
- Ellen noted that the annual committee report will be due on May 31.
- Elizabeth announced that the committee volunteer form is available on the CARLI site. Committee members should encourage others who might be interested in joining CCC to apply by April 27.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on May 9, 2018, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.