Members present: Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Member absent: Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage
- Matt was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The February 14, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.
Project Status Reports
Best Practices for Promotion:
- Greer reported that the first draft of the Best Practices for Promotion is nearly complete. A final draft for review will be ready by the April meeting.
- Greer will send out an update prior to the April meeting, once the document has been more fully fleshed out and a Table of Contents has been added.
- Feedback from other committee members is welcome at any time, but can wait until April.
“Promoting Your Digital Collections” Panel:
- Webinar will be on Tuesday, May 1, from 2-3 PM. Panelists include Lindsay Harmon (Lewis University), Sata Prescott (Northern Illinois University), and Rachel Cole (Northwestern University).
- A blurb will be prepared to promote the event before the April meeting.
Additional Items
- Copyright Q & A Webinar took place on Tuesday, March 6. Sara Benson, UIUC Copyright Librarian, presented. There were 36 people who attended, with 50 registered. A recording of the webinar is available.
- Still haven’t heard back from UIUC Legal about the consent form, but questions have gone out and the document is close to be completed.
- Google Analytics for October-December have yet to be processed, but Matt will send out ASAP.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on April 11, 2018, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.