Members present: Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College)
Members absent: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Amy Maroso
- Colin was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The December 13, 2017 meeting minutes were approved.
Wrap up documentation review project
- Revision of the Best Practices document for Moving Images formally approved.
- Documentation Review - CARLI-Sponsored Digital Projects Webinars and Resources
- Podcasts 3 and 5:
- Podcast 3 is out of date; Podcast 5 is also out of date and incomplete.
- Both approved for archiving.
- Preserving Email Webinar
- Slides originally recommended for archiving as there was too much ambiguity in content; however, it was pointed out there is an accompanying video recording that was not included in initial report. This content eliminates ambiguity so committee recommends keeping webinar.
- Review revised draft of “Digital Projects 101” document
- General consensus is that this is a quality revision resulting in enhanced usefulness. Alice also added useful section introductions. Revision is complete except for some minor format tweaking.
- Document revision formally approved
Discuss digital collection license draft
- Discussion of CARLI’s proposed CARLI Digital Collections Image License Terms and Conditions Agreement. Agreement language is fairly standard and generally committee has no concerns with the agreement.
- Committee discussed how Appendix A is created and maintained:
- Onus is on the member libraries to inform CARLI of changes/additions to Appendix A.
- Appendix A could name collections or items---granularity is up to member library.
- Library provides list to CARLI.
- Could there be a connection between rights statements and Appendix A?
- Appendix A would be attached to CARLI agreement but specifics haven’t been determined at this point. CARLI anticipates exclusions would be limited in scope.
Discuss and assign responsibility for promotion-related activities
- Goals:
- Create new best practices document
- Explore/plan for educational/collaborative event(s)/activities
- Working groups:
- Chair would like to divide committee into two working groups to begin work on these two projects. Chair will work with both groups.
- Best practices document working group: Ian, Colin, Matt
- Event exploration/planning working group: Alice, Tricia, Rebecca
- Commencing work:
- This will be our focus as our documentation review is complete. Before next meeting, each working group should get together using mechanism of their choice and begin mapping their project and report on progress. CARLI can set up Doodle polls to help facilitate scheduling.
- Question about whether there are other CARLI in-person events CCC could partner with. Will refer to CARLI calendar; could also put out a call to CARLI members.
Additional Items
Webinar update: Copyright Q & A webinar has 39 registrants; webinar has 45 registrants.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on February 14, 2018, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.