Conference Call
Members Present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University),
Members Absent: Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College)
CARLI Staff Present: Amy Maroso
CARLI Staff Absent: Elizabeth Clarage
- Ian Collins was confirmed as the minutes taker.
- Minutes from September in-person meeting were approved.
General Updates
- Write up of planned activities being submitted.
- Hannah Stitzlein and Sarah Benson both have agreed to do the proposed copyright webinars.
- Share buttons have been added on the CARLI website for news items.
- Digital Collection promotion-Anne Craig has given go ahead to promote any digital collections, but there needs to be a consent form in place between owning libraries and CARLI. CARLI is still talking to UIUC legal about this form. Where are things shared? The committee has decided to wait until the documentation review is over and results from the promotion survey in January are in.
Traffic Report
Traffic reports have arrived. Matt is sending a revised version shortly. Tumblr still drawing least traffic. Other social media and Newberry website pushing a lot. Google still brings the most traffic.
Documentation review
- Oct. 31 is the deadline for group input on final drafts of these documents; drafts should be posted before Nov. 8 meeting. If feedback is needed, send an email to the Created Content Committee with some specifics so people can go to Google Drive or look at an attachment.
- Digital Projects 101
- Alice is working on it. Promotions are a separate concern.
- Anything from the wiki that fits a specific best practice documents should be added into those. Other pieces (such as Digital Preservation) can be in the DP 101 document.
- Alice is checking the links from the wiki, many don’t work, so she is starting a bit from scratch and will share more info soon.
- Digital Collection Development Policy-Has to be approved by the board. Edits are being made, more input from the overall group could be used on this document.
- Collection level Bibliographic Records for Digital Collections- Questions-Includes local catalog, should things like WorldCat being added? This one also may be up for group feedback. Has to be approved by the board.
- Images- Document is done-updates were more link and grammatical. Submitted to Amy. Group can review as a final.
- Text – Drafts done, links and phone numbers added. Added a short section about layout (things like Word Coordinates.) Ready for group approval.
- Video/Audio – Audio pretty much ready to go. Video needs another review before group review in November.
- 3D Objects – Overlap between 3D objects and image sections exists a bit. File name section will be rewritten. Links and grammar will be updated.
- Metadata- Split off the first part more general info into its own document. CARLI CONTENTdm metadata information and another separate document that merges information about integrating required metadata fields and rights. Group will review.
Next Meeting
The next committee meeting is via conference call on November 8, 2017.