Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller, Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College)
Member absent: Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
- Sarah Prindle was confirmed to take minutes this month.
- The April 11, 2017 meeting minutes were approved.
Ongoing Project Status Reports
- Posting schedule
- Tumblr
- We’re gaining Tumblr followers at a slower rate than last month. It’s unclear why that is, but Matt will continue to pull Tumblr stats on the 15th of the month. The stats are kept on the committee’s page under Committee Resources.
- Featured Image/Digitized Book
- CARLI Google Analytics
- Matt sent out the correct file for this the Q3 traffic report, and it will be corrected on the CARLI website.
- 2016-17 Annual Project on Shareable Metadata
- Rebecca & Alice’s case studies have been revised, and will be added to the website by June. Margaret and Matt’s case studies are already up and have been cited by a conference presentation.
- The report on the annual project is up in Google Docs in outline form, and needs to be filled out. It’s due at the end of May. Matt asked if the Tumblr Stats case studied should be included, or whether it was outside the scope of the annual project on shareable metadata. It was discussed whether the committee should include an update on Tumblr maintenance and statistics (as an update on last year’s project). But it was decided to keep the update on Tumblr in a separate document from the annual project report on shareable metadata.
- Margaret asked for reflections on the Documentation Review and Updating portion of the annual project report, especially from committee members who helped developed the original documentation. Alice and Ellen will work on this portion of this report.
- The report will also discuss the creation of the DPLA Information and Documentation page, which includes the case studies as well as best practices for shareable metadata.
- This year’s report is expected to be shorter than last year’s because much of the information is in the case studies, and the report just summarizes the process.
Other Items From the Floor
- DPLA Rights Statements in CARLI Digital Collections
- Amy explained that CARLI’s CONTENTdm Rights fields contain contact information for the owning institutions so that users can contact the institution/right’s holder rather than CARLI. DPLA asks institutions to use one of 12 standardized rights statements, and may start requiring it for all institutions in DPLA, including CARLI institutions. CARLI hasn’t required these specific rights statements in the past. Changing to the metadata field requirements for CARLI Digital Collections would need to be approved by the CARLI Board, which can be done at a later date if need be.
- Amy suggested that institutions with collections in DPLA could move the contact information from the Rights field to a separate contacts field. Then the institution could put one of DPLA right’s statements in the Rights field. But CARLI won’t require institutions to use these rights statements.
- Alice said that this suggestion makes sense because if users are interested in content they find on DPLA, they can click through to the local digital collection and find the contact information field there. Or they can use DPLA’s statement to identify the copyright or Creative Commons license status of the item.
- Amy will put a preliminary statement about this on the website for the committee to review.
- Update on CONTENTdm categories:
- The committee agreed to add Audio-Oral histories, Images-Portraits, and Text-Biographies, and will discuss adding Audio-General or Audio-Music categories via email.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on June 13, 2017, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.