Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller, Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
Member absent: Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Amy Maroso
- Jen Wolfe was confirmed to take minutes.
- The November 8, 2016 meeting minutes were approved.
Ongoing Project Status Reports
- Tumblr
- Alice emailed updated Tumblr instructions and best practices on December 2. Everyone thought it looked great. The group is encouraged to make additional updates as they find what works and doesn’t work, so it’s an evolving document.
- Margaret is working on a posting schedule for the first half of 2017; she will send calendar invites.
- Digitized Book/Featured Image
- Ellen emailed updated digitized book/featured image instructions and best practices on December 9. Everyone thought it too looked great, especially the two-column dual-workflow layout. Amy reminded that when emailing notification of new posts to the listserv, you have to be a subscriber to the list, or else your post will be discarded; listserv sign-up is on the CARLI home page , lower right corner.
- Margaret is completing the posting schedule; please sign up for posts by December 22
- Google Analytics
- Margaret has sent out the Google Analytics report for last quarter.
- Matt volunteered work with Margaret to learn the process and send out next quarter’s report.
- Impact of CARLI CCC Promotional Efforts
- Ian reported that the work is in progress; they will try to have a report ready for the January 10 meeting.
- 2016-17 Annual Projects
- Documentation Review
- The process of documentation review and recommendations for updates is nearly completed. Easy fixes such as broken links will be revised by the committee member who completed the review; recommendations for more substantial revisions will be tabled for now. The committee will revisit this as a possible annual project for next year.
- Webinars were deemed out-of-date and low-use, so Amy will take them down -- with the exception of the webinar on shareable metadata , which will be relocated to the DPLA Information and Documentation page .
- Shareable Metadata
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on January 10, 2017, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.