Conference Call
Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller, Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
Members absent: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Amy Maroso
- The September 13, 2016 meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
- Rebecca Skirvin confirmed to take minutes.
Ongoing Project Status Reports
- Tumblr
- General consensus was that the Tumblr project was going well. Some minor confusion around scheduled posters was resolved.
- Alice will be covering Tumblr for the week of Oct. 10, and Ellen will post the Featured Image on Oct. 14.
- Margaret will post to Tumblr for the week of Oct. 24, and will post a Digitized Book entry on the CARLI website on Oct. 28.
- We will discuss the idea of moving away from a theme at next month’s meeting after everyone has had a turn posting and the Google Analytics are available.
- Digitized Book/Featured Image
- Google Analytics
- Reports are issued quarterly, so we should expect a report in about a month.
- Jessica Gibson, from the CARLI office, will send the reports to the list when they are ready.
- Impact of CARLI CCC Promotional Efforts
- Jessica Gibson emailed the Google Analytics report.
- Matthew will work on getting a report together for our next meeting, using Tumblr Google Analytics, tracing tags, etc.
- Margaret will check in with Adam after she returns to work.
2016-17 Annual Project on Sharable Metadata
- Case Studies and Next Steps
- In his work for NIU, Matt is focusing on data dictionaries, project specifications, metadata remediation, metadata quality assessment, and text mining. We decided that for the first case study, data dictionaries would be the topic of most general interest. Margaret advised that he talk in general terms about the scope of this effort and how it fits in with larger project he’s conducting. It would be good to explain why institutions should spend time on developing a data dictionary. The focus should be on what he has tried to avoid in working on data dictionaries and project specifications. Importance of controlled vocabularies should also be emphasized, because setting up the data dictionary beforehand helps avoid the need for data remediation. Emphasize being proactive (avoiding problems) rather than reactive (fixing problems), though some of the case study will involve assessing and fixing previously made decisions. The case study should be on the shorter side – 1200ish words, maybe a bit shorter, and written from his own experience. It should give an overview of project, describing it as it happened, and including lessons learned and what he would do differently in the future. Matt will aim to have a draft ready by next meeting so we have something to publish in December. In the December meeting we will determine two more case studies for spring.
- DPLA Metadata Training Module document (email attachment from Hannah Stitzlein, 9/13/16)
- It was determined that we should take some time to read Hannah’s training module document to get a sense of what she is presenting (so that we don’t duplicate her efforts) and determine what other resources we have that could assist her efforts. It was noted that Hannah included a brief section on rights with sample statements, which is something we could expand on. We also appreciated that she calls out best practices for controlled vocabulary for each field. We will review material from the Metadata Matters series, and in particular Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata, and use Hannah’s document to determine what material we already have that is applicable to this project so we can refurbish it and bring it to people’s attention. Alice volunteered to start a Google document to track all the pieces we already have material on, and then we will decide what we want to focus on for our project. We should all spend time over the next couple of weeks looking over Hannah’s document and give her feedback.
Other Items
- Finalize 1-page report for CARLI annual meeting November 18.
- The committee reviewed the draft of the one-page report for the CARLI annual meeting. Margaret will update statistics in the report the last week of October and send the final handout to Amy for inclusion in the meeting packet. Otherwise, the report is finished.
- Presentation for CARLI annual meeting (Alice and Rebecca)
- Alice and Rebecca’s presentation will last about ten minutes and feature about three PowerPoint slides. The presentation should speak to how the Tumblr matters to individual CARLI libraries; how the project can be leveraged for the consortium (Alice suggested that it centralizes the marketing and promotion of digital collections), and next steps. The presenters plan to spend the bulk of their presentation time showing the Tumblr page. They requested the committee’s help in determining how the project matters to individual CARLI libraries, and what the next steps are, besides encouraging more institutions to join. Margaret suggested using the Google Analytic numbers for Tumblr for specifics and see how the Tumblr helps institutions get users to collections and boosts name recognition (for example, through tags – if you tag an institution, how that helps). It was also noted that subject tags help get reblogs and allow posts to reach a larger audience (for example, the black history posts from UIC collections during the first week of September). The presenters might also discuss the different audience that Tumblr attracts versus other social media, and the corresponding promotional networking opportunities. Alice and Rebecca will put together a draft of the presentation slides; the rest of the committee will look at CCC Tumblr postings and analytics for specific examples. We will look for examples this week and next, and take last week of October to finalize things before the slides are due November 11.
Next Meeting
The next committee conference call will occur on November 8, 2016, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.