Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Margaret Heller, Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
- The July 28, 2016 meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
- Matt Short confirmed to take minutes.
Committee Meeting Schedule
- The monthly meeting time for the year will be the second Tuesday of the month at 11 AM.
- Amy will send out the calendar rotation.
- The next meeting is September 13th.
Regular Project Assignments
- Margaret has asked that everyone verify that they have access to documentation before the committee’s next meeting.
- All documentation should be moved from the old CCC wiki to the committee’s space on the CARLI website in the next few months, if it has not been moved already.
- Tumblr:
- Margaret, Ian, Rebecca, Jen, Sarah, Alice, and Matt will work on the Tumblr project in the coming year.
- They will 1) investigate a better way to approach theme selection and 2) prepare a proposal for CARLI staff to consider that would allow other institutions who are not members of the committee to participate in the project.
- Alice will create a posting schedule.
- Digitized Book & Featured Image:
- Margaret, Ian, Sarah, and Ellen will work on the Digitized Book & Featured Image project in the coming year.
- The Google survey revealed Interest in combining these two projects and coordinating with related efforts, like the Tumblr project.
- Margaret will work with Ellen to create a posting schedule.
- CARLI Digital Collections Google Analytics Reports:
- Margaret, Alice, and Adam will work on this project in the coming year.
- When the time comes time to prepare and post the first report, Margaret will coordinate with Alice and Adam to figure out who is doing what and when.
- Impact of CARLI CCC Promotional Efforts:
- Ian, Matt, and Adam will work on this project in the coming year.
- This will involve evaluating promotional efforts, including Tumblr and the CARLI blog, to understand what is driving traffic and to where.
- The team will use a combination of Google Analytics for Tumblr and CONTENTdm reports.
- If we need additional reports from Jessica, she will provide them.
- Margaret suggested that we work on this project in the next few months to better understand what is working well, so that we can plan accordingly for promotional projects.
- This is likely a project that will be done occasionally or once per year.
- The team will coordinate by e-mail and present a plan by next meeting.
- Podcasts:
- There was no interest in working on this project this year.
- The consensus is that the podcasts need to be more focused.
- Additional Discussion of 2016-2017 Annual Project:
- For the 2016-2017 annual project, the team will work on providing guidance to the CARLI membership on shareable metadata in preparation for harvest by the DPLA.
- Deliverables will include a toolkit for metadata evaluation and remediation, which will be supplemented by four (4) case studies that explore common problems and illustrate solutions provided in the toolkit.
- Before the next meeting, the committee will brainstorm ideas for case study topics via the e-mail list, which will be discussed in September.
- The first case study will be completed in October/November and, based on interest from the Google survey, will deal with rights statements.
- Three (3) additional case studies will be prepared in the Spring. These should address metadata remediation for a variety of digital objects (audio, video, compound objects, etc.) and collections of varying complexity (from both small and large institutions).
- The toolkit will be a separate project.
- In the next two months, the Metadata Matters webinar series and related documentation on the CARLI website will be evaluate and gaps identified.
- The contents of the toolkit will be decided after case study ideas have been discussed and in consultation with new DPLA metadata hire at UIUC, who will be contacted in early October. However, the toolkit will address—among other topics—metadata remediation in the context of existing collections in CONTENTdm, with the needs of smaller institutions in mind.
Next Meeting
September 13: 11 - Noon