Conference Call
Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason, Chair (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)
CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso
Confirm Minutes Taker
- Margaret Heller is taking minutes.
Acceptance of Last Meeting's Minutes
- Minutes approved with revisions.
Ongoing Projects Update
- Featured image (Ellen)
- Nothing new to report; proceeding as scheduled.
- Digitized Book (Alice)
- Ian had a great post this month. Nothing new to report other than that; proceeding as scheduled.
- Podcast (Anne)
- Anne’s interview Eric Kurt at UIUC podcast went up at the end of April. No progress on any additional podcasts for this fiscal year.
- Google Analytics (Margaret)
- No updates. It was helpful to have the new format for adding statistics to the white paper.
- Tumblr Project Whitepaper
- Alice and Margaret have been working on this over the past week, now we need to finalize the draft.
- Adam noted that this captured the issue of lack of institutions well, and wanted to confirm that we needed to work with CARLI governance to add additional members. Margaret wanted to know if this was accurate wording. Amy clarified that it was the CARLI managers, not the Board of Directors.
- Sarah wanted to know if we could expand on the copyright section to clarify what the issue was with the license for ContentDM. Ellen noted that if an institution is asserting certain rights we cannot override them without permission. Amy reminded us that some of the CARLI Managers were concerned about the Tumblr rights, and this is something that will need to be revisited in several months. Elizabeth expanded on this to say there is nothing explicit in the CARLI ContentDM agreement that says that we will use images for promotion, and we do not want to complicate that with concern with Tumblr license. Ian asked what the assumption of using the CARLI ContentDM server was—he would have assumed promotion was implied. Elizabeth said that this seemed reasonable, but it has never been explicitly stated. Adam brought up the idea that institutions might be concerned about others promoting the images. Ellen said the featured image was not a problem partly because the blog was posted at CARLI. Amy said that this was not something that was in the control of the committee at this time, and she does not have a lot more information, so we will need to wait and discuss in several months when there is a new Executive Director.
- Jen added some images to the whitepaper with some of our posts.
- Ian’s idea was a more coordinated effort on social media for the promotion of images/collections, this would be something for next year.
- Jen will add a paragraph about the error in setting up the blog as a secondary blog so others can learn from this.
- Alice will add a screenshot of the statistics and we will sent a final version to the committee to approve by end of the day tomorrow (by email).
New Chair for Next Fiscal Year
- Alice asked the committee to think about volunteering to be committee chair. We will hold this election at the June committee meeting.
New Member Needed
- We are still short a member and need a volunteer; ideally from an institution with a lot of collections in ContentDM. Amy already approached one institution who was unable to commit at this time. Many of the people who are coming to mind already served on the committee. Several other names were brought up by committee members; Amy will contact them.
Annual Report
- Elizabeth reminded the committee that the annual report is due. Amy will send last year’s report to the committee. It’s a very quick rundown of what the committee accomplished this year.
- This is due next Tuesday (May 31). Amy pointed out that we can just update the content from last year to this year, it should be very quick to finish. Alice and Amy will work on this and send to the committee for review.
Other Items from the Floor
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be June 28, 2016.