Conference Call
Members present: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Nicole Finzer (Northwestern University), Paul Go, chair (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso
CARLI staff absent: Elizabeth Clarage
- Anne Shelley agreed to take minutes.
- The May minutes were approved.
Ongoing Projects Updates
- Alice reported that the Digitized Book of the Month is moving along.
- Ellen reported that the spreadsheet for the Featured Image Project is up to date. The cycle for the term is finished. Ellen, Alice, and Anne are willing to continue posting until a new schedule is determined when the new committee meets; they will coordinate over e-mail.
- There are no updates on the next podcast (DPLA). Paul and Howard are rotating off the committee, so Margaret offered to take over the podcast after a month has passed. Paul will send notes to Margaret over e-mail.
Chairperson Election
- Alice volunteered to chair the committee. Members endorsed Alice’s nomination.
CONTENTdm Upgrade Updates
- Amy reported that e-mails about the upgrade have been sent out to stakeholders.
- The upgrade starts today, June 23, at 5 p.m., and the site will be back up and running on June 29.
- Mary asked if the new interface will be live on Monday, June 29. Amy said yes and an announcement will be sent out when access to the Project Client and Web Administration is restored.
Other Items
- Amy gave updates on membership.
- Paul, Howard, and Nicole are leaving the committee.
- Mary is staying on another term.
- New members joining this year are Jen Wolfe, Ian Collins, and Sarah Prindle.
- Mary asked if we will have an in-person meeting. Amy will add new members to the e-mail list and send out an e-mail to find a time for the in-person meeting.
- Alice asked if there is any more news on the white paper. Amy reported that the paper was submitted and the CARLI Board received copies. The annual report and survey have been posted on the meeting minutes section of the CARLI website. Mary asked if we should send an e-mail out saying the survey is posted. There was consensus that that is a good idea; Amy will send the e-mail.