Created Content Committee meeting: April 28, 2015

Conference Call

Members present: Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Paul Go, Chair (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University)

Members absent: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Nicole Finzer (Northwestern University), Adam Strohm (Newberry Library)

CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage and Amy Maroso (CARLI staff liaisons)

  1. Margaret Heller is minutes-taker.
  2. Review of minutes from March. Minutes approved with minor typos to be fixed.

Discussion of Current Committee Activities

Digitized Items for CARLI Website

Featured image update: nothing to report except that there are 4 posts ready to go for the next month.


Paul and Howie contacted Emily Gore at DPLA. She was interested, but they haven’t been able to follow up with this yet. They will revisit this.


Margaret asked about internal notes from March meeting about survey in progress. We don’t have those recorded anywhere, but they may be useful for white paper if anyone does have a record of that discussion. Margaret gave an overview of the coded results that were distributed before the meeting. Question about whether respondents knew we were talking about created collections vs. purchased collections. Answer is that it’s not clear. Some clearly did, others have mixed responses. Margaret suggested that for further analysis we examine institutions with disagreements about whether collections were promoted or who promote in multiple ways. We will want to identify promising practices in the data about what works well. The white paper will be due June 2. Mary will prepare a draft and share it with Margaret, Paul, and Alice.

CARLI Staff updates

We need to prepare a report of the committee’s activities for this year. Elizabeth sent last year’s report to use as a template.

ContentDM Upgrade

The project is currently on hold until after the University of Illinois “no change” period. They are working internally to make changes to the interface so it is consistent with the current site. The upgrade will most likely take place the end of May to be concluded before the Voyager upgrade. Training will be a prerecorded webinar since there aren’t many changes except to the look and feel.