Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Nicole Finzer (Northwestern University), Paul Go, Chair (Illinois Institute of Technology)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso (CARLI staff liaison), Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaison), Jessica Gibson
- Confirmed Adam as minutes taker.
- Minutes for last month have not yet been submitted; the committee will need to wait until they've been submitted, and will approve them at that time.
Discussion of Current Committee Activities
- Book of the Month: Alice continues to work on this project, and will be creating a spreadsheet similar to the one used for the Featured Image posts to track Digitized Book posts.
- Featured Image: No news to report.
- Howard and Paul have made contact with Emily Gore from DPLA, but they haven't yet scheduled a time to talk.
- Amy sent results to committee on 3/20/15.
- Margaret has been working through results to do coding on responses and remove some that won't be of use. She's not yet done, but spoke to the group about some of the emerging trends across responses.
- The committee discussed some of these trends, but will wait until Margaret's work is complete to begin work on a final white paper report & determining future activites to be informed by this data.
Other Business
- The committee looked at preview of CONTENTdm upgrade provided by Amy.
- The Recent Additions section on the front page of each collection will be left in place for all collections for the initial upgrade. CARLI staff will explore options for renaming this section globally and for turning it off on a per-collection basis after the upgrade is complete.
- The committee likes the Quick View option, and chose to retain it. Future discussions regarding this functionality and the metadata fields to include in it will take place with content managers after the upgrade is complete. In the single-item view, reference URLs and Share options will stay as-is.
- The ratings option will be disabled, since the group didn't see much potential usefulness. Commenting and tagging will be left off for the time being based on cumbersome means of managing spam/offensive content (CARLI would need to manage these on a collection by collection basis).
- The option of turning comments/tagging on for specific collections will be explored in the future.
- The print option will be removed for the initial launch, downloading will be restricted to small and medium sized derivatives.
- CARLI has been generating statistics based on a script that pulls data from server log. After the upgrade, individual image views will be available to collection managers, but on/off campus statistics and Saskia/Sanborn statistics will still need to be generated by CARLI. The ease of updating scripts to generate these statistics will be explored by CARLI, with the knowledge that no data will be lost, as these statistics are derived from server log data that will still be generated automatically after the upgrade.