Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Nicole Finzer (Northwestern University), Paul Go, Chair (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Members absent: None
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso (CARLI staff liaison) and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaison)
Margaret will post a digitized book to the CARLI website for a winter holiday.
Mary and Paul did an interview on Friday, November 21, with Artefactual about Archivematica. Amy reported that it was with CARLI’s Webmaster and would be posted on the CARLI website soon.
Margaret and Adam will record a podcast with Kate Flynn from Chicago Collections Consortium next week.
At our in-person meeting on August 7, we came up with a long list of ideas for podcasts. We liked the idea of interviewing someone about the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), but Amy pointed out that it would be awhile until Illinois was ready to participate. Margaret said there would be changes to the procedures for ingest soon, so that would be a good time to talk to DPLA by January. Mary said it would be helpful to have two podcasts, one with DPLA and then a later one with ISL. Paul agreed that this was a good plan and suggested to revisit in January.
Howard said that he liked Mary's grouping of questions. Adam agreed that while the free-form answers could be challenging for analysis, it would be more useful information for some types of questions. Alice asked if we were going to have a two-tier set of surveys for people using CARLI digital collections vs. some other platform. Margaret asked if it mattered whether they used CARLI vs. another platform. Paul said it was more a matter if they had any digital collections of their own vs. using another. Mary said that we might get some people mentioning that in a free-form answer, which could lead to follow-up questions if we wanted. Adam asked about the instruction piece—would we get too many speculative answers to the first sub-question if they didn't know? Margaret said perhaps a free-form would be the best here. No consensus on a follow-up survey. Mary said that oftentimes surveys aren’t asking what people want to say, so it’s a good idea to have a short survey with options for people to tell what’s important to them that we didn’t think of. We would add free-form responses to first two sections, not to the third since it’s already very open ended.
Paul clarified with Amy that CARLI has a SurveyMonkey subscription and that it allows for tree responses.
Timeline: The survey needs introductory text and then needs to be reviewed by the CARLI office. We will also need a list of people to contact. Amy will put it into SurveyMonkey for review. Alice will write the introduction by December 15. Plan is to send out survey at beginning of Spring semester. Survey will mostly likely be sent to the CARLI Directors' email list.
Metadata Usage Policy for CARLI Digital Collections: Committee reviewed the updated version Amy sent to the list on 11/25. It was approved by the committee and will be presented to the CARLI Board for approval at their meeting next week.
The CARLI office wrapping up work with the contract programmer on the CARLI Digital Collections custom front end. CARLI office staff will start work on an upgrade timeline and forward to the committee for review.
Next month's meeting will be held on December 23 as planned.