Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Paul Go, Chair (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University), Adam Strohm, on phone, morning only (Newberry Library)
Members absent: Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)
The question of uploading the podcasts to other sites in addition to iTunes was raised. Amy will inquire about hosting the files under the CARLI-Sponsored Digital Project Webinars and Resources section on the CARLI site. The committee will continue to create podcasts, scheduled to be released every other month. Prospective topics were discussed: the Chicago Collections Consortium (CCC), Preservica, the Digital Public Library of America (in connection with the CARLI/Illinois State Library harvesting partnership), and shareable metadata. Adam and Margaret will work on the CCC podcast. Paul and Benn will work on the Preservica podcast.
Howard and Margaret will continue to work on the quarterly statistics reports.
Paul reported that Mary had expressed interest in continuing to work on this project. Ellen and Alice also volunteered. The schedule for featured images will continue to be every two weeks. Yearbooks were suggested as a focus for the monthly digitized book feature.
Amy asked the committee to revise the "Digital Collections Collection Development Policy" document.
A collaboration with the Instruction Committee was proposed on how digital collections are incorporated into the curriculum. Debbie Campbell, CARLI staff liaison for the Instruction Committee, briefly joined the meeting to report on themes and activities discussed at that committee’s last meeting. Paul will contact the Instruction Committee co-chairs.
Paul reported on the papers produced last term by other CARLI committees. Brainstorming resumed following a lunch break. The use and promotion of digital collections emerged as the prevailing area of interest, although the role of institutional repositories in relation to digital collections was also considered. The committee will gather information from governing member library websites to guide survey development. The list of institutions will be divided among committee members and distributed by Paul.
Those present began an initial revision of the collection development policy. Completing the revision will be the main agenda item for the conference call at the end of the month, with the aim of submitting the updated document to the Board by its September 12 meeting. Amy will distribute the draft-in-progress to all committee members via the email list.
The committee will meet by conference call on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 10:00-11:00 a.m. The next meeting is set for August 26 (with Adam Strohm as minutes taker).