Created Content Committee meeting: June 24, 2014


Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)

Members absent: Anne Shelley (Illinois State University)

CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)

  1. Confirmed Paul as minutes taker.
  2. May minutes approved with corrections.

Committee Projects


  1. Featured Images:  June image was submitted.  Excel spreadsheet was updated but not uploaded, will be done soon. Julia will do image 1st week of July, Adam 2nd week.
  2. Book of the Month:  On hold.  Will be revisited in July meeting.
  3. Google Analytics: No report.


Mary and Paul have not made progress on podcast #3.  Promotion of podcasts discussed.  Margaret will write up promotional text for use in CARLI newsletter.  Same text will be considered for other (non-CARLI) areas of promotion.  Amy will speak to UofI regarding podcast analytics and tracking user points of origin for promotion campaign purposes.

New Items

  1. Planning for the new committee year.
    • In Person meeting in August.  Amy will send out Doodle poll to find best dates for meeting in person.
    • Next meeting set for July 29th
    • Nominations for new chair.  No self-nominations.  Mary nominated Margaret and Paul.  Margaret bowed out.  Paul accepted and will be chair.

Other business

  1. Question about Featured Images from non-CONTENTdm CARLI member collections.  Tabled until July meeting.
  2. Thanks to Adam and Julia for their service.