Members present: Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)
Featured Image needs updated, but there are plans for postings until the end of the term.
Google analytics information for Quarter 3 (January 1 – March 31, 2014) has been posted to the CARLI website.
Adam and Margaret recorded episode 2, Web Analytics for Digital Collections: Appraising Collections and Assessing Impact, last week. The sound quality is good and the mp3 will soon be sent to Amy to be uploaded to the CARLI iTunes U space. Episode 2 will hopefully have a May 15th release date, a month after the last one.
Amy brought up the need for an announcement to the general public. The group must compose a blurb containing information and a link to the podcast which can be sent out via listserv, newsletter, in email, and on the CARLI website. Mary also suggested contacting relevant blog owners to advertise, using the information we put in the CARLI newsletter. It was suggested something go out on May 16th about the two available already. Anne will send something to Jamie Schumacher and Lynne Thomas at Digital POWRR about the podcast, with the possibility of extra advertisement on that end.
Episode 3 will be posted to iTunes in mid-June. Mary suggested the topic of "Alternatives to CONTENTdm" and interviewing users of other digital collections. This could help listener libraries determine what in their institution is valuable enough to digitize for an online collection, as well as the best hosting site. Paul and Mary will be meeting to discuss potential interview candidates and questions in the next month.
While another hosting location was discussed, ultimately it is difficult to search for just CARLI items on the Internet Archive, so hosting the podcasts on iTunes will be easier to find.
Mary Rose and Julia Thompson met Friday April 25th via telephone and Google Docs and wrote the introduction to the White Paper. They posted it to the CCC Wiki page for the White Paper. Adam and Margaret will work together to add information to the "Actual Podcast Process" section of the White Paper planning page.
For the Final Thoughts/Suggestions section, Adam proposed that the group take the next week or so to collect some ideas and post them. Julia sent out the link to the Google Doc for the White Paper so that everyone can work on it simultaneously.
Jessica Gibson and Amy Maroso have been working on the update from server version 5.4 to server version 6.X. The most recent version is 6.7. Testing is ongoing on a virtual test server using version 6.6. The team is currently resolving issues. One of the major hurdles right now is the difficulty in taking the custom front end and porting that over to the new back end. There will be no timeline until the team is able to get that running without problems for end users. CARLI Executive Director Susan Singleton has given the go-ahead to hire a project consultant/programmer to work on this, if needed. Once this is working, the upgrade timeline will be determined.
Benn Joseph attended the Midwest Archives Conference in Kansas City. While there he did part of a panel presentation on digital preservation, which went well.