Members present: Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)
No change in status to this project.
No change in status on this project.
Amy tried out a test post in December using the guidelines she put together. Julia volunteered to handle the post for January, and Amy will send the instructions to the group. The post in January will act as a test of the guidelines, and we'll rotate volunteers from there.
The committee had put this off until early 2014. Adam feels that it's ready to go. Amy will follow up with Jessica Gibson, in the CARLI Office, to make sure that we have the technical pieces in order. She will send out an announcement to the committee when it is ready to go out.
Adam gave an update about this. We have submitted a title, and some combination of Adam, Margaret, and Paul will give the presentation. Next month will begin additional work on this project.
Amy discussed institutions who have already digitized student newspapers and yearbooks (or for some other reason do not need these collections digitized) may submit alternate proposals. The board would like to keep these in the vein of student culture, and did not accept alternate proposals that covered collections that were essentially institutional history or public relations. The Created Content Committee has been asked to create a list of collection topics that are student-centered and would be acceptable substitutes, as well as to vet future alternate proposals. (There is an exception for institutions without student populations; these would be vetted by the board).
A question was raised about whether this list is something that the committee would send out, or use for internal use only? Amy said that we would send it out as a suggestion if institutions asked.
Adam suggested that this list go on the wiki and all the committee contribute to it. Amy agreed to set up the space.
Paul's proposal is on the wiki, along with suggestions made by Margaret and Mary. Adam suggested that the committee make some general decisions about some of the major questions during the call.
Amy suggested that we record all the discussions and decisions about the podcast on the wiki so that we don't have to scramble to finish the white paper at the end of the year.
Amy and Elizabeth gave an update on their meeting about CARLI's involvement in DPLA. This was a conference call that included Susan Singleton, Anne Craig (Illinois State Library) and Betsy Kruger (University of Illinois) to discuss the process for including Illinois material in the DPLA. The DPLA wants to deal with one service hub per state. University of Illinois has been acting as a content hub, but providing University of Illinois materials only. The Illinois State Library and CARLI are planning how the service hub operation will work. This will potentially involve Illinois Harvest, a metadata harvester from the University of Illinois. CARLI also needs to have discussions with the Chicago Collections Consortium. Once the state of Illinois works out the service hub model, representatives from the state will talk again with representatives from DPLA. While Illinois State Library will probably be the main administrative coordinator, it will be a collaborative effort between multiple bodies.