Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), David Levinson (Lake Forest College), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)
No change in status to this project.
No change in status on this project.
David is ready to start. Amy is working on updating the instructions and will send to David after Thanksgiving. Adam asked David to plan on writing a post for December.
Web 2.0/social web tool how-to guide for libraries – Adam suggested that the committee develop a concrete proposal for this. Amy suggested doing a white paper, case study, or "how we did it" paper on creating the podcast series. Committee members seemed supportive of combining the white paper and podcast proposal in this way. Amy and Elizabeth confirmed that this would be a useful (and new) project for a CARLI committee. David mentioned the concept of doing a tutorial series, perhaps with shorter videos than what was discussed in the proposal.
Committee discussed "More Member Collections" as a title for the digital-collections-in-other-libraries portal. Amy suggested waiting until after December to announce this initiative. Adam suggested that the committee decide at the next meeting. Amy said the webform for the portal is ready to go and she resent the link to the committee.
Adam reported that a draft of the timeline was circulated. Session will be 20-minutes with 10 minutes for Q/A, presenting in the morning right after the keynote. Elizabeth confirmed that this session is not concurrent with other sessions. CARLI needs presenter and title information by the end of December. Adam suggested that the committee begin working on an outline – Margaret, Paul, and Adam will contribute to the content and will determine at a later time who will be able to present at the pre-conference. Adam encouraged other committee members to participate or attend if they are interested.
Yearbooks: Amy is working on a URL for a webform to send to the committee soon. Susan would like to announce this project at the CARLI Board Meeting on December 6.
Newspapers: After yearbooks project is outlined, CARLI will begin looking into vendors for newspapers. David mentioned that he spoke with rep at Internet Archive who asked that they be considered as a vendor for whenever more newspapers come down the pike.
Adam thanked Paul for sending out his proposal so promptly.
Committee discussed whether it would be better to do longer podcasts less frequently or shorter vodcasts more frequently. David suggested a series of micro-tutorials. Mary pointed out that CONTENTdm has tutorials and there are other people creating tutorials, and she supports the original idea of a unique radio-like show.
Adam brought up the issue of hosting – CARLI has a YouTube channel for video and Amy could ask contacts at UI for access to their iTunesU account. Paul commented that having a person on camera is important for an interview rather than a tutorial, not a problem with audio. Mary commented that if the committee proceeds with an audio podcasts then the author could link to supplemental resources. Another member commented that video takes quite a bit more time than audio to produce.
Adam asked for volunteers to start thinking about episode topics, and suggested that members use December as a chance to explore ideas. David and Mary volunteered, and Adam encouraged others to cogitate. Committee agreed that we should think about what niche we will fill with this series.
Anne asked if a space could be created on the committee wiki for this project – Amy did so and uploaded Paul’s initial proposal and comments from other members. She suggested that people post ideas to that space and "write a white paper as we go." Adam mentioned promotion and audience as elements of the paper that members should be thinking about at this point.
Committee discussed the next meeting time – Amy sent out Doodle poll for times on January 2 or 3.
Julia announced that she was accepted into the GSLIS bootcamp program for January.