Members present: Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Benn Joseph (Northwestern University), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University)
Members absent: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), David Levinson (Lake Forest College), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons)
Ellen Corrigan, librarian at Eastern Illinois University and former Digital Collections Users’ Group member has rejoined this project, Julia will update the spreadsheet.
Margaret sent out email about looking at the data in a slightly different way using OpenRefine. She also put “How To Make the Traffic Sources Report using OpenRefine” on the wiki.
David was absent and could not report on this. Amy will send updated instructions to him on how to post items to the CARLI website.
The group discussed the possibility that governing members might find a reputable guide to be helpful in this area, especially if it covers skills such as integrating statistics, strategies for best use and promotion, how to ensure access, what to put up, copyright and use issues. The committee agreed that this project would be a good use of time. Amy said that she thinks this is a good idea, especially since many member libraries already have a web 2.0 presence and smaller libraries might benefit greatly from going in that direction. Benn also agreed and said that it would be a good representation of this group. This is something that would be available to people not part of member libraries, and would be highly visible and useful. Action item for next month: everyone brainstorm a list of ideas or outline for things to discuss about this. Will discuss in November how this should take form.
he committee discussed options and formats on the digital portal page. Not every collection must have a description, but it would be good to have a short one. Amy is taking suggestions for a name for the digital portal. Julia suggested "More Member Collections" for the link on the CARLI digital collection home page, and "Additional" and "Other" were suggested in place of "More."
No change. The group is waiting to hear more from CARLI before taking action.
Amy has begun looking at survey results. 60 responses so far, with interest in newspaper digitization beating out yearbooks approximately 60% to 40%. She will be reaching out individually to institutions that have not responded to discuss other collections to digitize. This will take some time to accomplish but is important to include member libraries that have already digitized their own newspaper and yearbooks.
It is unclear how podcasts would take form. Amy forwarded the information that she found from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. CARLI does not have any previous experience with podcasts. Paul suggested focusing on “how to’s” and best practices of digital collections. It was suggested to create YouTube videos as well/instead. Paul will draft an outline of potential topics for next month. Amy suggested setting up an Adobe Connect space for testing out the ability to publish to YouTube from Adobe Connect.
The group discussed meeting date and time changes for the holidays and anticipate the November meeting will remain scheduled for November 26, but the December meeting will need to be moved.