CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Anne Craig (CARLI), Jim Cubit (Lake Forest College), Richard Darga (Chicago State University), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Felice Maciejewski (Dominican University) (by phone), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library) (by phone), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University), David Stern (Saint Xavier University), Dane Ward (Illinois State University), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Absent: Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), Dennis Krieb (Lewis & Clark Community College)
Guest: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage, Brandon Gant, Kristine Hammerstrand, Connie Walsh
- Minutes of the June 17, 2016, meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- Brian Beecher, formerly library director at the College of Lake County, has resigned from the Board. Dennis Krieb, Lewis & Clark Community College, will serve as Chair of the CARLI Board for FY17.
- CARLI will assemble a task force to plan a New Directors Institute to be held in 2017. Frances Whaley, Illinois Valley Community College, will chair the task force.
- The Budget Contingencies Task Force will develop a shared understanding of budget actions that may be needed in the event drastic cuts are implemented. The task force members are: Mary Case, University of Illinois Chicago; Jim Cubit, Lake Forest College; Richard Darga, Chicago State University; Cate Kaufman, Illinois Central College; Dennis Krieb, Lewis & Clark Community College; Felice Maciejewski, Dominican University; and Scott Walter, DePaul University. The task force will present their recommendations to the Board at their December meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
- The Illinois State Library will be offering Try-It! Illinois, the annual statewide electronic database trial, October 1–November 30. The login and password are available from the Try-It! Illinois web site.
- As the result of a Request for Proposal process, RAILS was awarded the bid and a new ILDS contract was effective on July 1. Some sites have been experiencing issues with their delivery. CARLI recently completed a survey to discover ongoing issues and is working with RAILS to address the problems.
- The new CARLI Database Selection System is fully functional. As with any software system we expect some tweaks and enhancements in the coming months.
- CARLI IT staff will soon be taking over the code and all future development for the selection system from the software development company.
- CARLI E-resources and Business & Finance Services staff are currently completing all University Purchasing and State Procurement Office requirements for a number of license agreements for the Calendar Year 2017 subscription cycle.
- CARLI libraries are reminded that the membership agreement requires libraries “To allow physical access to library facilities for the student, faculty and staff of other CARLI Governing Member institutions without undue restrictions”. Special instructions for patron access should be posted to the library’s website.
- CARLI is continuing to work VuFind3. VuFind3 can be reviewed in both the I-Share live production system, and in a test environment.
- CARLI has released a new web-based reporting tool designed to provide an easier way for I-Share library staff to run reports against their Voyager databases without the need to install the Oracle/ODBC client and Microsoft Access. Users will require a CARLI Voyager Oracle Account and a web browser. Visit Voyager Web Reports Beta.
- CARLI will hold its Annual Meeting, and Directors’ Meeting on Friday, November 18, 2016, at the I-Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.
- Barbara J. Wilson has been named executive vice president and vice president for academic affairs of the University of Illinois system. She replaces former Vice President for Academic Affairs Christophe Pierre.
- CARLI received information from University of Illinois Administration (UA) regarding FY 2017 state appropriations. CARLI's portion of the allocation that the University of Illinois will receive from the State of Illinois as a result of the stopgap budget that was passed recently is $2.28 million. This is another significant reduction from our state allocation of $4.1 million for FY 2015. The stopgap budget provides for allocations to be used for FY 2016 and FY 2017 expenditures. CARLI continues to examine additional possibilities for reducing operating expenses over the next 2-3 fiscal years.
- The I-Share Next Task Force will meet with the State Procurement Officer to answer questions and review the next steps in preparing the final Request for Proposal for a shared library system to replace Voyager.
Task Assigned
- CARLI will draft a welcome letter to Barbara Wilson on behalf of the Board of Directors.
- CARLI will invite Barbara Wilson to the Directors meeting.
- CARLI will continue to gather feedback from library directors regarding their priorities for CARLI.
Meeting Dates
- CARLI Directors' Meeting, Friday, November 18, I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign
- CARLI Annual Meeting, Friday, November 18, I-Hotel Conference Center, Champaign
- 2016-2017 Board meetings
- Friday, December 2, 2016, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, March 10, 2017, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, June 9, 2017, CARLI Office, Champaign
- 2016-2017 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Tuesday, November 22, 2016
- Wednesday, March 1, 2017
- Wednesday, May 31, 2017