CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Anne Craig (CARLI), Richard Darga (Chicago State University), Jeff Douglas (Knox College)(by phone), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), Dennis Krieb (Lewis & Clark Community College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Michael Lorenzen (Western Illinois University), Cathy Mayer (Trinity Christian College)(by phone), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University), David Stern (Saint Xavier University), Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Absent: Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library)
Guest: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois)
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon, Gordon Fellows, Kristine Hammerstrand, Connie Walsh
- Minutes of the September 15, 2017, meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The Board approved the recommendations from the Finance Committee to increase membership fees for FY2020 by 5%; and increase I-Share assessments for FY2020 by 7%.
- The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
- CARLI has completed work on the new Host Agreement with the University of Illinois System and the Board of Trustees. The new agreement, once fully executed, will be posted on the CARLI web site, replacing the current Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Illinois.
- CARLI is working through the feedback on the draft the new strategic plan from the attendees at the CARLI Annual Meeting and the from online survey. We expect to release the final version of the strategic plan in early 2018.
- The Calendar Year 2018 e-resources selection cycle has ended, with 89 CARLI libraries participating and a 2.6% increase in total spending.
- Jennifer Taylor will join the CARLI staff as Senior Program Coordinator for E-resources on January 2, 2018.
- Brandon Gant resigned from CARLI effective December 1, 2017. Senior Research Programmer Gordon Fellows, will serve as Interim Coordinator, System Service as we conduct an internal assessment of the future staffing needs of the organization.
- Remodeling will begin in the CARLI Office on January 2. During the remodeling timeframe, expected to extend throughout February, we will be using off-site facilities to host any meetings and or training events.
- CARLI is working with the University of Illinois Office of Legal Counsel on a legal form to address the promotion of digital images and collections in social media.
- The Open Textbook Network will hold 3 training workshops for staff at CARLI member libraries. The workshops will be held on April 23 at Governors State University, April 24 at Loyola University and April 26 at Heartland Community College.
- The Request for Proposal (RFP) that seeks a new library services platform to ultimately replace Voyager has been publicly posted on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Public Institutions of Higher Education.
Task Assigned
- CARLI will work with the Program Planning Committee to plan a New Directors Institute to be held in 2018.
2018 Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- 2017–2018 Board meetings
- Friday, March 9, 2018, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, June 15, 2018, CARLI Office, Champaign
- 2018 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Wednesday, February 28, 2018
- Wednesday, June 6, 2018