Existing Collection Facet, QuickView, and Download Update Form

Complete this form for EACH of your published collections to request facets, QuickView fields, and download options.  This form must be submitted by an institution’s Primary CONTENTdm Contact.

(example: aug_singers or wiu_sequel)

The new version (6.10) of CONTENTdm provides end-users with several new or improved features when searching and browsing CARLI Digital Collections (http://collections.carli.illinois.edu).  For an overview of all the new features in CONTENTdm 6.10, please see the webinar on the CONTENTdm Upgrade webpage.

Collection owners can customize the following new features for each of their published collections:

  1. Facets
  2. QuickView fields
  3. Download options

This form will allow you to choose options for each of these features.  Please fill in all the sections below and submit one form for each of your collections.

List up to five metadata fields from your collection to use as "narrow your search by" options for the collection. Facets allow users to select options and further refine their search or browse results. (Each metadata field used as a facet must be set in Web Administration Field Properties to "Search=Yes" and "Hidden=No.")

ContentDM example home page

List three metadata fields from your collection to use for the QuickView of your items. The QuickView window appears when a user holds their mouse over any item in the collection, and displays the item's title and the metadata field contents you choose. (Each metadata field used in QuickView must be set in Web Administration Field Properties "Hidden=No.") The title of the item is already included as part of the QuickView window, so please choose other metadata fields for this option.

ContentDM example home page

Select which size options users will have to download images from your collection. Download options that are turned on by default are small (250 x 250 pixels) and medium (500 x 500 pixels). You may choose to remove the download option completely, or allow users to download your images in various sizes. Select ALL size options you wish users to see for your collection.

ContentDM example home page