Members Attending: Lesley Wolfgang, Chair (Saint John's College of Nursing), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Edith List (Principia College),Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Will Midgley (University of Illinois at Chicago), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)
Members Absent: None
CARLI Staff Attending: Cindy Clennon, Elizabeth Clarage, Jenny Taylor
CARLI is setting up SUSHI within Consortia Manager. Unfortunately, server traffic issues are slowing down the download of data so it will be at least another month before there is a useful amount of data. CARLI is one of the earliest testers, so there are a lot of bugs to work through.
Waiting on pricing from LexisNexis, Ovid and Credo for FY20 in selection system. System should open around April 15th. Waiting on approval for two final licenses.
One video (Marlowe's Dr. Faustus) was removed because ProQuest lost the rights, and CARLI members who purchased the package are going to vote on an option to replace it, via a form that will be sent out soon to subscribers.
DSI Data Services & Information: Too specialized, no member interest given availability of acceptable free resources for most member institutions’ purposes.
deGruyter's Encyclopedia of the Bible: Vendor sent us a list of member institutions with religious studies degrees as well as pricing tiers. No members of the committee are interested.
Registration closes tomorrow, over 50 registrants so far including committee members.
Lesley will moderate the first panel discussion. Anne might do the welcome before Dennis speaks. Jenny can speak about Consortia Manager and SUSHI and that could lead into the afternoon discussion at the end. Edith can moderate the intro part for ProQuest’s segment. Packets/registration prep will be done at CARLI offices. We have one sponsor at the bronze level – Duke University Press – to offset the cost of this event.
The conference schedule was finalized.
THE webpage is up and will be discussed at next meeting.
Conference work
Next meeting April 11, 2pm