
Borrowing and Lending Comparison FY2012

Lending [Outgoing] and Borrowing [Incoming] totals in one view for easy comparison.

UB Stat 2: Incoming ILL FY2012

Incoming ILL represents items borrowed by your patrons from other I-Share libraries. An On-site borrowing transaction is one in which your patron visits the other library and completes the circulation transaction there. A Remote borrowing transaction is one in which your patron requests an item, the item is sent to your library, and is charged at your library.

UB Stat 1: Outgoing ILL FY2012

Outgoing ILL represents items loaned by your library to each I-Share library and the ILLINET libraries. An On-site lending transaction is one in which the patron of the other library walks in to your library to complete the circulation transaction. A remote lending transaction is one in which the patron from the other library requests the item, the item is sent to their desired pickup location, and is charged there.

Unique Title Counts 2012

The Unique Titles column represents the number of titles in your library held by no other I-Share library.

Library Record Counts FY2012

The Bib column represents the number of bibliographic records in your library’s database. The Bibs w/o MFHDs column is a subset of that count and represents bibliographic records without associated MFHDs or holdings. The MFHD column represents the number of MFHD (MARC Format for Holdings Data) records in your library’s database. The MFHDs w/o items column is a subset of that count and represents MFHDs without associated item records. These could feasibly represent serial holdings that do not have barcoded items attached.

Library Record Counts FY2004

The Bib column represents the number of bibliographic records in your library’s database. The MFHD column represents the number of MFHD (MARC Format for Holdings Data) records in your library’s database. The Item column represents the number of Item records in your library’s database.

Library Unique Title Counts FY 2004

The Unique Titles column represents the number of titles in your library held by no other I-Share library.

UB Stat 2: Incoming ILL FY2004

Incoming ILL represents items borrowed by your patrons from other I-Share libraries. An On-site borrowing transaction is one in which your patron visits the other library and completes the circulation transaction there. A Remote borrowing transaction is one in which your patron requests an item, the item is sent to your library, and is charged at your library.

UB Stat 1: Outgoing ILL FY2004

Outgoing ILL represents items loaned by your library to each I-Share library and the ILLINET libraries. An On-site lending transaction is one in which the patron of the other library walks in to your library to complete the circulation transaction. A remote lending transaction is one in which the patron from the other library requests the item, the item is sent to their desired pickup location, and is charged there.

HathiTrust & VuFind Webinar Recording Available

CARLI recently introduced access to public domain, electronic full-text materials in the HathiTrust collection via the I-Share union catalog. Member libraries are now considering whether to incorporate the same HathiTrust records into default searches of their local catalogs as well.  So the question is: to Hathi or not to Hathi?


I-Share OPAC Team

Monthy meeting of the IUG's OPAC Team.

Dial-in information

217-244-9054 (Main) OR 866-951-9521 (Toll-free)
Meeting ID: 6834
Meeting Password: 6834

I-Share Standardized Universal Borrowing Policies Effective August 4, 2010

On August 4, 2010, CARLI implemented changes to standardize the policies that apply to I-Share Universal Borrowing (UB) activity. “Universal Borrowing” is the Voyager module that supports interlibrary resource sharing among the 76 I-Share libraries. Any time an I-Share library patron requests or borrows an item from an I-Share library other than their “home” library, Universal Borrowing policies are invoked.
