Please plan to join us for the 2017 CARLI Annual Meeting to be held Friday, November 17 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library are invited to attend.
Space is limited. Register by Thursday, November 9 if you would like to attend.
A meeting of the CARLI Library Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. Directors are encouraged to attend this meeting; please register by Thursday, November 9.
A separate registration is required for each meeting.
Please join the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee for a live webinar on Thursday, November 9, from 10:30-11:15 am.
The evolution of academic publishing and scholarly communication is providing interlibrary loan practitioners with new sources for connecting users with the published forms of information they need. The wide variety of these sources presents challenges in discovery, referral, and other areas. Drawing on the presenter′s experience in a high-volume interlibrary loan operation at a medical library, this discussion will review a selection of these new sources and address some of the relevant issues involved. Sources to be discussed include gold and green open access material, digital libraries containing scanned public domain literature, institutional repositories, and social media sites for sharing academic literature.
Kevin O'Brien is the head of the Access to Resources Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Library of the Health Sciences, and he holds the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor. He has worked for many years in academic and medical libraries, specializing in interlibrary loan, and he is a facilitator for the Medical Library Association's Resource Sharing Special Interest Group. O'Brien recently published an article titled "Large scale book and journal digitization projects and interlibrary loan service: opening the discussion", which appears in the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, and Electronic Reserves.
Connection information for this webinar will be sent after you register.
This webinar will be recorded and posted to the CARLI website for later viewing.
The CY18 selection system is now open. As in the past, pricing and renewal commitments for our three journal bundles with Sage, Springer and Wiley, will be managed directly with the libraries outside of the selection system. CARLI staff will add these commitments to the system after it closes on or about November
Our current agreement with AAAS for the Science titles is ending and we are in negotiations on a new agreement. We will provide updates on those negotiations as they progress.
Each year libraries throughout Illinois, including all CARLI libraries, are required to report their annual statistics on interlibrary loan (ILL) and reciprocal borrowing through the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan Traffic Survey. The State Library collects and analyzes this resource sharing data. In addition, local libraries can view their own ILL statistics online. Because completion of the ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey is required of all system member libraries in accordance with administrative rule [23 Ill. Adm. Code 3030.200 (a)(2)(O)], the FY17 ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey must be completed prior to submission of the FY18 Annual Library Certification.
The monitoring of the interlibrary loan and reciprocal borrowing traffic is essential in measuring and evaluating the number of requests initiated, filled, and unfilled, the methods of requesting as borrowers and lenders, the impact of resource-sharing options, trends and the collaborative efforts of individual Illinois libraries.
The FY17 ILLINET ILL Traffic Survey is open now. Data submitted should cover the fiscal year from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The deadline for completion is March 31, 2018. Completion guidelines are available to help you understand what data you need to complete the survey. In addition, the LibPas Data Input Instructions will help you navigate inputting the data into the online form.
For more information, contact the Illinois State Library at 800-665-5576, ext. 2.
Brandon Gant, Director of System Services for CARLI since 2005, has announced that he will resign effective December 1, 2017. Brandon will continue to work diligently with System Services staff over the next two months to ensure the smooth transition of duties. These efforts are already underway.
Gordon Fellows, CARLI′s Senior Research Programmer, will serve as Interim IT Director, coordinating daily operations and ongoing projects. Gordon has extensive I-Share and Voyager systems and operations experience, gained over his 30+ years with CARLI and its predecessor units. Under Gordon′s guidance, and with the support of CARLI′s expert System Services staff, libraries should feel confident that CARLI will continue to provide dependable, and stable systems services to all CARLI libraries.
Please feel free to call or email Senior Director Anne Craig with your questions and concerns.
The TryIt! Illinois database trial program is open through November 30. The trial offers an opportunity to evaluate a wide variety of electronic resources to all ILLINET member libraries. There is no charge for accessing these resources during the trial period.
To obtain your login and password, visit TryIt! Illinois. View the list of the products available for trial through TryIt! Illinois that are included in CARLI license agreements.
Gale has created a trial site and you can link to it from the product list on the TryIt! Illinois site. Of the Gale products available for trial, CARLI currently offers the following titles: Academic OneFile, Gale Interactive: Chemistry, Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy, and Gale Researcher. If you are interested in adding any of these products to your CARLI subscriptions please send a note to CARLI support.
Thank you to all that participated in the CARLI Open Educational Resources Survey that was open last month. There were 133 responses from 86 different CARLI member institutions, representing all constituencies of the consortium. The results are still being tallied and reviewed. The full survey results will be shared with the membership. Fifty-seven percent of the respondents indicated that their institutions were currently exploring or using open educational resources. Of those institutions, 96.7% indicated that the library was involved in the initiatives in some way. But, the survey also indicated that CARLI members are each at different points on the spectrum for promoting and using open resources on their campus. This is the same for members of the Open Educational Resources Task Force.
The members of the CARLI OER Task Force will begin sharing with CARLI members through this and future newsletters a takeaway from their training at the Open Textbook Network Summer Institute and Summit that was held in Minneapolis in August. Those who, did not attend will be sharing their experience with open resources on their campus.
If you are interested in learning more about promoting Open Educational Resources at your institution, please keep the week of April 23-27, 2018 in mind when planning your spring calendar. Staff members from the Open Textbook Network will be giving train-the-trainer workshops to CARLI library staff and instructional design or faculty partners on three separate days that week. The training will be how to present sessions at your local institution on what are open textbooks, how they are developed, and using these materials. CARLI is coordinating the location and timing and will share that information when available. These three sessions will contain the same information, so you would only need attend one.
At the OTN Summit, resources were shared for engaging faculty in the conversation to use open course materials including training materials. If you are interested in these resources, please send a note to CARLI support.
Upcoming: CARLI staff will be giving an update to the CARLI membership on the Open Textbook Network at the Forward Focus Conference at Illinois Central College on October 27, and the Task Force will be giving a status update with other CARLI groups at the CARLI Annual meeting on November 17.
If your organization has open educational resources that you would like to contribute to the Open Illinois website (currently under development), please send those to Elizabeth Clarage via CARLI support.
The mobile app MINRVA is available for I-Share libraries from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. The app, which uses a modular design, was developed independently by library staff at the UIUC to work with I-Share data.
The MINRVA core modules are available free to I-Share libraries and patrons. These modules include local catalog and I-Share catalog search, and several popular library account functions such as logging in to view item due dates, renew items, and check on requested item statuses.
In addition to the free components, the MINRVA project team, led by Jim Hahn of the UIUC library, is now also offering additional MINRVA components to I-Share libraries on a subscription basis. These Pro and Premium plans include a customized design and additional modules that allow your patrons to: search article databases, view new books and best sellers, and use an anonymous question and answer service; to: see upcoming events, receive personalized book recommendations, check library hours, and view currently available loanable tech. More information about plans and pricing is available from the MINRVA web site at
Libraries interested in receiving more information about MINRVA, or who have questions about implementing MINRVA should contact the team directly at
The University of Illinois iSchool is conducting a brief survey intended to identify core skills and knowledge areas for the MS in library and information science program. We are interested in which skills and knowledge areas you perceive to be most needed in the field now, and in the near future. Your responses will help us as we review and continue to revise and improve our curriculum to ensure our graduates are well prepared for the job market. Your responses are important. The survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by Friday, November 17.
Mark your calendars for the 5th annual GLRSC: Charting Our Course Together on June 7-8, 2018 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Perrysburg, OH. The conference will feature a keynote presentation by George Needham, Director of the Delaware County District Library.
This conference is an opportunity for individuals working in resource sharing to trade information and network with other colleagues. Watch for updates on the conference website. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Do you have a new idea or success story to share? We are accepting program proposals through January 12, 2018, on any of the following topic areas:
Proposed presentations should be 45 minutes in length including time for questions. The submission form is available here. A call for proposals for lightning round presentations (15 minutes in length) will be announced in February.
Accepted presenters will have the opportunity to publish a version of their conference presentation to the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery, & Electronic Reserves in a special issue, but will not be obligated to do so.
Each proposal should include a title, description, and abstract. Program proposals will be reviewed by the program committee, with selected presenters notified by February 16, 2018. Please direct any questions to Amanda Musacchio and Mark Sullivan.
November 17 CARLI Governing Directors Meeting, I-Hotel Conference Center, Champaign
November 17 CARLI Annual Meeting, I-Hotel Conference Center, Champaign
November 23-24 CARLI Office Closed
December 25-January 1 CARLI Office Closed
November 1 Directors Webinar Series: Current Copyright Issues
November 2 New I-Share Libraries: Data Review Training
November 9 New Tools in Resource Sharing: Keeping Up with the Changes Webinar
December 6 Instruction Committee Webinar
December 7-8 New I-Share Libraries Voyager Cataloging Client Training
November 1 Technical Services Committee
November 8 SFX Systems Committee
November 8 Created Content Committee
November 8 Commercial Products Committee
November 13 Preservation Committee
November 13 Instruction Committee
November 13 Public Services Committee
November 15 Resource Sharing Committee
November 19 Open Educational Resources Task Force
November 27 CARLI Executive Committee
November 30 Collection Management Committee
December 1 CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
December 4 Open Educational Resources Task Force
December 6 Technical Services Committee
December 11 Preservation Committee
December 11 Instruction Committee
December 11 Public Services Committee
December 13 SFX Systems Committee
December 13 Created Content Committee
December 13 Commercial Products Committee
December 14 Collection Management Committee
December 19 Open Educational Resources Task Force
December 20 Resource Sharing Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.