The CARLI office will be closed from Monday, December 24 through Tuesday, January 1. Regular hours will resume on Wednesday, January 2.
The following is the list of days that ILDS will not provide service this year:
For those of you who have indicated that your location will be open from December 26–December 28, we ask that you have your outgoing ILDS shipment ready to go first thing in the morning. Delivery times will be impacted by the number of locations that are closed during this time.
While the CARLI office is closed, please send an email to CARLI Support or call toll free 866-904-5843 to report any problems or concerns. Callers will have the option to page a tech support staff person to report a system outage or any other serious problem. CARLI staff will respond to all other issues and reports when regular business hours resume.
Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!
The 2018 CARLI Value letters have been sent to all CARLI Governing Directors by U.S. Mail. Please let us know if you haven’t received your letter and we will resend via email.
The 2018 CARLI Value Graphics and the 2018 Annual Report are now available online.
Please contact CARLI Support if you have any questions.
The new CARLI 2020 Strategic Plan lists a number of goals that point to increased collaboration among members.
We would love to hear your ideas about how CARLI can support regional meetings with the goal of providing networking opportunities that strengthen our consortium, and provide a forum for nurturing ideas and critical partnerships.
Please provide your feedback by completing a brief questionnaire.
Our community is one of the biggest benefits of CARLI membership. An easy way to connect with each other over areas of shared interest is through our email lists.
We offer lists for a wide variety of library interest areas and subscription to the lists is open to staff at all CARLI member institutions.
Please take a moment to remind your staff of the CARLI open-subscription email lists.
The annual online certification process begins January 2, 2019. Certification is required of all library system members (including all CARLI libraries) in order to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2019. You can certify online.
Libraries are also required to complete the ILLINET Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Traffic Survey before completing certification. The survey can be completed any time prior to the certification deadline, March 31.
More information about certification is available at the State Library′s Annual Library Certification web page. The page includes a link to the data and questions included in the certification form, a link to the online certification portal (accessible from January 2–March 31), an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), a pre-recorded webinar that reviews the annual certification process, and a document outlining Library Data Entry Guidelines to use in completing the certification form.
CARLI is eager to apply for grants that address the emerging needs of the profession. You can be part of that effort! Submit your ideas (through your Director or Dean, please) to Anne Craig.
CARLI will review each grant idea to determine whether we have the necessary administrative capacity to support and implement the grant as lead applicant. If so, we will issue a call for volunteers to serve on an ad hoc task force for the specific grant. This task force will review the viability of the grant for the CARLI membership and will be actively involved in writing and compiling the application package.
Feel free to contact Anne Craig with any questions, comments, or ideas!
As part of its FY18 annual project, the CARLI Collection Management Committee (CMC) developed guidelines for an Open Access eBook Collection Pilot Project in FY2019. The goal of this pilot project is to test procedures for adding records for scholarly and stable open access eBooks to the I-Share catalog. The pilot will provide a list of collections and their OCLC Knowledgebase Collection information that non-I-Share libraries may wish to add to their local catalog. The steps laid out in these guidelines will enable CARLI to create a central repository of open access eBook records meeting the needs of the majority of members. The collection will be managed and maintained by CARLI staff and committees.
This collection will not display by default in your local catalog. If you wish to opt in and have these records display by default in your local catalog please email CARLI Support no later than January 15, 2019.
The first open access collection that will be added is the JSTOR Open Access eBook Collection which includes over 4,000 eBooks.
The CMC and CARLI welcome your suggestions for additions to what is anticipated to be a constantly growing collection. If the collection(s) you would like to see meet the criteria on the project page please send the details to CARLI Support and it will be added to the list of collections for consideration.
OCLC will hold a webinar about Tipasa specifically for CARLI libraries on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 1:30 pm. In this webinar, OCLC staff will give updates on Tipasa functionality, the development roadmap, and the migration process. Registration is required.
To register, visit the OCLC Webex event page.
Following the success of our first Open Conference Call, the CARLI Open Educational Resources Task Force would like to again offer the membership an opportunity to ask their OER questions and have a discussion about current activities happening at institutions within the state. If you are interested in promoting open educational resources on your campus; wondering what other librarians in Illinois are doing, or what resources are available to support you, then this call is for YOU!
The next open conference call is on Tuesday, January 15 from 1-2 p.m. Task force members and CARLI staff will be on the line – ask questions, share stories, and brainstorm with colleagues about this important topic.
Connection information will be shared with registrants prior to the call. The call will not be recorded.
Please register online.
The Instruction committee is excited to be hosting our first Twitter Chat!
Join us on Friday, December 7th at 12pm, CST in conversations around cultivating learning environments for students with diverse identities #InclusiveInfoLit.
What is a Twitter Chat?
A Twitter chat is a public Twitter conversation around one unique hashtag! Use the #InclusiveInfoLit hashtag to follow the discussion and participate in it.
For more on participating in this twitter chat, see instructions on this guide. If you don't have twitter but still want to follow the conversation, you can search for the hashtag here.
Feel free to share and invite colleagues that may be interested!
A former college president′s academic hood from 1905, a WWI-era band uniform, athletic uniforms from the 1920′s, a pair of dancing shoes from a Broadway production, silk goods collected by a missionary in China at the turn of the 20th century… These are just some of the textiles that have found their way into Special Collections at Augustana College. Like many college and university archives, our mandate to collect and preserve materials reflecting institutional history and local history has resulted in the acquisition of many items that fall into the blurry boundary between "document" and "artifact". What do we do with these non-book, non-paper-based treasures in our collections?
The short answer is: the same thing we do with our book and manuscript collections. That being said, textile collections do have some needs that are distinct from book and paper collections.
For more information on caring for textiles within your collection, please see the full article.
Throughout the upcoming academic year the CARLI Preservation Committee will be adding articles to Beyond the Book: Preserving Your Non-Book Collections, a series of preservation tips that will culminate in a website of beyond the book resources. Each newsletter tip will focus on an unusual item or group of similar items that you might encounter in your collection.
Are you struggling to find training/documentation on the OCLC website? Visit the main OCLC Support page and drill down to, or search for the appropriate product and associated training/documentation materials.
Join Lippincott Solutions for a FREE Webinar "The Changing Face of America's Opioid Epidemic: History, Patients and Recommendations" on Wednesday, December 5, 1-2 pm, with presenter Siobhan A. Morse, Division Director of Clinical Services for UHS Addiction Services Division / Foundations Recovery Network.
Opioid use disorder (OUD) continues to be one of the biggest public health challenges of recent history. However, over the past 10 years, there have been significant changes in both the user and the substances used. The early years of what is now called the "Opioid Epidemic" saw primarily prescription painkiller misuse and abuse. Now, however, as the statistics relate, many OUD patients have moved to heroin. With this move, there have been significant other changes in the presentation of this populations.
This presentation will discuss the confluence of factors that led up to the epidemic, with a focus on the related changes in OUD patients and the treatment challenges these changes present. Data collected from a nationwide network of treatment centers will be presented and treatment implications for this changing population will be reviewed.
Lippincott Professional Development (LPD) will award 1.0 contact hours for this continuing nursing education activity.
December 24 – January 1 CARLI Office Closed
January 21 CARLI Office Closed
December 7 CARLI Board of Directors Meeting
December 7 Instruction Committee’s Twitter Chat
December 14 Voyager Skills Webinar: Gary Strawn’s Voyager Applications
January 8 Tipasa for CARLI Libraries
January 15 OER Open Conference Call
December 4 Created Content Committee
December 5 SFX Systems Committee
December 5 Instruction Committee
December 5 Technical Services Committee
December 6 Public Services Committee
December 10 Preservation Committee
December 13 Collection Management Committee
December 18 OER Task Force Meeting
December 19 Resource Sharing Committee
January 2 SFX Systems Committee
January 2 Technical Services Committee
January 3 Public Services Committee
January 10 Collection Management Committee
January 14 Preservation Committee
January 16 Resource Sharing Committee
January 22 Created Content Committee
February 6 SFX Committee
February 6 Technical Services Committee
February 6 Instruction Committee
February 7 Public Services Committee
February 11 Preservation Committee
February 14 Collection Management Committee
February 19 OER Task Force Meeting
February 20 Resource Sharing Committee
February 26 Created Content Committee
Feburary 27 CARLI Executive Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI Support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.