We encourage you to take time to review the committee annual reports and projects for FY2017.
In addition to the committee's annual reports, the committees each work on a project that will be useful to the member libraries. The projects for FY17 are:
Collaborative Collection Development: A Case Study with Emerging Best Practices, Collection Management Committee
A Review of Journal Cancellation Approaches and Practices, Commercial Products Committee
Shareable Metadata, Created Content Committee
Evolving Library Instruction: Negotiating Change in Uncertain Times A CARLI Webinar Series, Instruction Committee
Disaster Planning, Preservation Committee
Makerspaces Spring 2017: Resources and Presentations, Public Services Committee
Illinet Library Loan Traffic Survey Analysis: FY2012-FY2016, Resource Sharing Committee
Expansion of Existing SFX Documentation for New SFX Administrators, SFX Committee
Getting Started with Database Maintenance: Using Access Reports and Other Tools to Analyze and Maintain Your Library Database, Technical Services Committee
CARLI's committees play a vital role in the ongoing success of the organization, and the service of all of our volunteers maintains the tradition of commitment to developing and maintaining quality programs and services that enhance CARLI's reputation in Illinois and beyond.
The efforts of CARLI committee members provide a critical service to the organization and to all Illinois libraries, and we offer our thanks and deep appreciation for their service.
On July 20, 2017, the RAILS and IHLS staff will be attending a Staff Retreat. ILDS will not provide service on that day so that all delivery staff can attend the retreat.
The 2017 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 17 at the I-Hotel Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend. A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting.
More information about these meetings will be available in late August.
The CARLI Preservation Committee is pleased to sponsor a workshop on Salvaging Mold and Water Damaged Library Materials on July 11, 8:30 am−3:30 pm at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield.
The workshop will include an overview of mold and library materials including basic morphology, sources of mold, a brief introduction to health risks when dealing with mold, and options for remediation/removal.
Attendees will also learn about salvaging wet library materials, including an introduction to disaster response when water strikes and an overview of methods for drying various types of materials found in library collections–books, documents, and audio-visual materials. The session will include a ″no stress, no tears″ hands-on exercise salvaging wet library materials.
The instructors for the day will be Jennifer Hain Teper, Bud Velde Preservation Librarian and Head, Preservation Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Bonnie Parr, Historical Documents Conservator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.
The intended audience is staff and librarians from CARLI member libraries.
Please register by noon on Friday, June 30, 2017. Limited space remains.
Please send any questions to CARLI support.
On July 20, 10−11 am, CARLI will host a one-hour webinar about best metadata practices for collections that will be harvested by the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Hannah Stitzlein, from UIUC, will present.
This webinar is open to any CARLI library staff who are working with digital collections and have, or plan to have, their collections harvested by DPLA. Registration is not required. Attend the webinar on July 20 from the following link: http://webjunctionillinois.adobeconnect.com/carli_dpla/.
The Illinois Digital Heritage Hub (IDHH) released the IDHH Metadata Best Practices in early 2017 to assist contributing institutions with providing quality metadata to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). This program will provide an introduction to how metadata is viewed and interacted with in the DPLA environment, and will guide metadata specialists and contributing institutions how to use these best practices to create and develop quality metadata that operates well in DPLA.
Presenter Bio
Hannah Stitzlein is the Visiting Metadata Services Specialist for the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Previously, Hannah worked with Recollection Wisconsin in the beginning phases of being the Wisconsin service hub to prepare metadata to be contributed to DPLA. She comes from a background of working in public and special libraries. Hannah holds an MLIS from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a BFA from Pacific Northwest College of Art.
This past year, the CARLI Public Services Committee focused their attention on Makerspaces. A makerspace is community or collaborative space that provides a combination of technology, equipment, and often expertise for patrons to explore, discover, design, create, produce, and share projects. The committee sponsored Open Houses at both academic and public libraries that showcased these spaces with various types of funding support.
Please make use of our presentations, makerspace planning documents, photographs and other resources from these events.
Whether you have a creation space or are planning one, the website provides information on all the makerspaces visited which include the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Illinois ″MakerLab″ or ″FabLab″, Winnetka-Northfield Public Library′s ″The Studios″, Northwestern University′s ″The Garage″, Chicago Public Library ″Maker Lab″ and Illinois Institute of Technology′s ″Exploration Space″.
For more information, contact Sue Franzen or Cory Stevens, 2016-17 co-chairs of the CARLI Public Services committee.
As part of our 2015 Preservation Survey, the CARLI membership told the Preservation Committee that disaster planning was a topic in which help was greatly needed. Thus, for our 2016-2017 annual project, the Preservation Committee chose to outline the steps to create a disaster plan. Our theme for our disaster planning project was ″Slow and Steady Wins the Preservation Race.″
When I think of disasters, I confess to thinking of my favorite disaster films, such as Towering Inferno, or the admittedly ridiculous 2012, in which virtually every natural disaster decimated Earth in a matter of hours. These are the disasters very few of us (hopefully) will experience. And, perhaps that is one reason why writing disaster plans may not always seem like a priority: the chances of a devastating earthquake or chemical disaster are slim. Of course, ask someone who survived Hurricane Katrina, or even a terrible mold outbreak, and yes, you will find out these major disasters happened and that having a disaster plan made recovery simpler and more efficient, or the lack of one resulted in another disaster. I think remembering that most ″disasters″ are not on the level of our favorite disaster films might encourage us to get our plans written so we can deal with the small scale problems any institution with a physical presence will have.
Continue reading the full article.
You can find this as well as other Disaster Planning topics on the webpage for CARLI Preservation Committee′s yearlong project on Disaster Planning.
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) released reports with detailed views of IMLS funding for the past six years (FY 2011 through FY 2016) for every state across the nation and the District of Columbia. It is the first time the agency has compiled information across the agency's museum and library programs by state in this manner. The documents will serve as a one-stop information source with data that are publicly available but are currently distributed across multiple datasets or databases.
The reports might be useful for anyone with an interest in IMLS investments. Questions or feedback should be directed to IMLS.
July 4 CARLI Office Closed
July 6 SFX Webinar
July 11 Preservation Workshop
July 20 Metadata Best Practices for DPLA Webinar
July 26 Technical Services Committee
August 30 Technical Services Committee
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI Support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.