Seventeen CARLI Governing member institutions plus two Illinois consortia supported CARLI′s membership in the OTN. Through this collaboratively funded system membership, all 128 CARLI Governing member libraries will realize the benefits of OTN membership. A special thanks to these contributors: Aurora University, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago State University, CODSULI (Council of Directors of State University Libraries in Illinois), College of Lake County, DePaul University, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, The John Marshall Law School, Knox College, LIBRAS, Lincoln Land Community College, National Louis University, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern University, Oakton Community College, Richland Community College, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Waubonsee Community College.
CARLI system leaders selected by the library directors at contributing institutions will attend the OTN Summer Institute in Minneapolis. These leaders are: Anne Chernaik, College of Lake County; Chris Diaz, Northwestern University; Kathy Ladell, Northern Illinois University; Anne Shelley, Illinois State University; and Janet Swatscheno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. CARLI staff member Elizabeth Clarage, will also attend.
Following this initial institute, CARLI′s system leaders, in conjunction with OTN staff, will coordinate full-day ″train the trainer″ workshops to be offered to CARLI member libraries in 2018. These workshops will focus on developing leaders at Illinois colleges and universities to assist in cultivating strategies for advancing the use of open educational resources, specifically openly licensed textbooks, to lessen the cost of these materials for students on their campuses. The workshops will also help attendees gain expertise in helping faculty understand the negative impact high textbook costs can have on students′ academic performance.
For more information about CARLI′s OTN membership, contact Elizabeth Clarage or send an email to CARLI Support.
Over the next three months CARLI Senior Director, Anne Craig, will be traveling to member libraries around the state for ″Listening Sessions″ with CARLI library directors. These will be informal, approximately two-hour sessions. During these meet-ups, Anne is eager to hear about your library′s challenges and successes in order to more clearly understand our member's needs and to be able to relate your stories to stakeholders.
The following are the sessions that are currently accepting registrations. Please check the CARLI calendar or the Directors Resources page for any future updates to this schedule.
@ Pritzker Military Museum and Library, Chicago, Friday, August 4, 10:30 a.m.
@ Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Thursday, August 10, 1 p.m.
@ Western Illinois University, Macomb, Wednesday, August 16, 1 p.m.
@ Knox College, Galesburg, Wednesday, August 23, 10 a.m.
@ Illinois Valley Community College, Oglesby, Thursday, September 7, 10:30 a.m.
@ Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, Monday, September 18, 10 a.m.
@ Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Monday, September 25 10:30 a.m.
Please plan to sign up and join us for one of these sessions.
CARLI will also be presenting an Update Session at the Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Tinley Park, October 11; and don’t miss the CARLI Annual Directors′ Meeting and the CARLI Annual Meeting, both scheduled for November 17 at the I Hotel in Champaign.
The 2017 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 17 at the I-Hotel Conference Center in Champaign. All CARLI member library staff are invited to attend.
A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. More information about these meetings will be available in late August.
Kathleen L. Bloomberg, formerly the Associate Director of Operations of the Illinois State Library and now recently retired, is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association Hugh Atkinson Memorial/DEMCO Award. The award recognizes an individual, group, program, or institution for sustained activity and contributions having a lasting impact on librarianship.
Kathleen served at the Illinois State Library for 32 years. The Illinois State Library has been a driving force for the development and promotion of libraries at the state level. Kathleen played a prominent role as a leader at the State Library. During that time she was known to be an advocate of interagency cooperation.
When CARLI’s predecessor organizations were merging in 2003 and 2004, Kathleen was the State Library representative assigned to participate in the committees tasked to frame today’s CARLI organization. Our roots, therefore, can be traced directly to her good work.
Kathleen′s contributions to library cooperation and development throughout her long and distinguished career make it especially appropriate to honor her in the name of Hugh Atkinson, whose own career was so notably dedicated to library cooperative endeavors.
The Atkinson Award will be presented at the Awards Luncheon held on Tuesday, October 10, during the 2017 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Tinley Park.
Dr. Lian Ruan is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. The award, presented by the ILA Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries (IACRL) Forum, recognizes an Illinois librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic or research librarianship and to library development. The award is sponsored by the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.
Dr. Ruan's service record is most impressive. Of particular note are her contributions as past President (2015-2016) and current Executive Director of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA). She has also recently served on the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee, the Special Library Association's Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Council, the ACRL 75th Anniversary Celebration Task Force, and as a member of the Joint Council of Librarians of Color Steering Committee.
Dr. Ruan has been an academic librarian for twenty-seven years and Head of the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library (IFSI) since 1999. Since 2002, Dr. Ruan has been an adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at UIUC and she has done extensive work as a researcher. Most notable is her recent co-edited book, Academic Library Development and Administration in China (2016), which is the first major work on Chinese academic libraries written in English.
Her exemplary service to librarianship and learning demonstrates the application of each of these qualities to the work that makes her worthy of this honor.
The Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award will be presented at the Awards Luncheon held on Tuesday, October 10, during the 2017 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference in Tinley Park.
September 4 CARLI Office Closed
August 28-29 I-Share Acquisitions/Serials Training
August 4 Directors Session at Pritzker Military Museum & Library
August 10 Directors Session at Lake Forest College
August 10 Instruction Committee
August 16 Directors Session at Western Illinois University
August 23 Directors Session at Knox College
August 30 Technical Services Committee
September 6 Executive Committee Conference Call
September 7 Directors Session at Illinois Valley Community College
September 11 Preservation Committee
September 15 Board of Directors Meeting
September 18 Directors Session at Olivet Nazarene University
September 25 Directors Session at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.
Please direct all questions and comments about the e-newsletter to CARLI Support. Subscribe to CARLI email lists to receive the latest news on topics of interest to you.